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Into the voice there crept a throb that was almost convincing. "They'd all want him with them, I'm sure, even though he wouldn't have cared; and I think he would. He mentioned it the first night I came, but of course I didn't realise then " The voice was silent. As hours before in the room above, Mary Landor showed no emotion, did not speak.

The poor creature's husband is in danger of capture or death." While the duchess's stern under-breath ran on hurriedly, convincing Anna that she had, with no further warning, to fall back upon her uttermost strength the name of Countess Alessandra Ammiani was called at the door. Instinctively the others left a path between Vittoria and Anna.

I could succeed in convincing them that I would prefer not to be on intimate terms with them." And therewith Miss Onslow ever so slightly turned herself away from me, and addressed herself to the contents of her plate with a manner that seemed indicative of a desire to terminate the conversation. I thought that I already began to understand this very charming and interesting young lady.

"I cannot say much about it at present, for nothing is certain, but I am sure that I shall be able to raise the money somehow." His tone was calm and confident. There was no self-assurance or bluster about it, and yet it was convincing. She looked at him curiously. "You are a very positive person, Leonard," she remarked. "You must have great faith in yourself, I think."

"Giovanni," said he, frankly, "I admit that I was wrong, that I was led astray by what seemed to me to be convincing proof. My pride and honor revolted at the stain apparently cast upon them and I acted as almost any Roman father would have done. I acknowledge that I was hasty, that I proceeded to extremities without due reflection or examination.

This large class of malcontents generally find some way of convincing themselves, however, that they are as good-looking as the average of mankind. They make a good deal of some special points of beauty, and imagine that these quite overshadow their defects. Still, there is a portion of them who can never do this; and I think of them with a sadness which it is impossible for me to express.

We stayed round there two days and nights, takin' turns, talkin' with him, nuthin' more, only selecting subjects in his own style to please him, until he left! And then, as we didn't see any use for his house there, we took it away. Them's the cold facts, Brant," he added, with a certain convincing indifference that left no room for doubt, "and you can stand by 'em.

They don't know how to do anything else! Anybody, even the most abject fool or criminal, is capable of manual labour; such labour is the distinguishing mark of the slave and the barbarian, while the holy fire is vouchsafed only to a few!" To continue this conversation was unprofitable. My father worshipped himself, and nothing was convincing to him but what he said himself.

"I will see that she is treated fairly, 'Mr. Mitchell, but of course this is not a rigid test. Will you be able to permit conditions more convincing?" "Yes, very much more convincing," he replied, slowly and ponderously, "but do not worry the instrument to-night. Narrow your circle; be harmonious, and not too eager, and you will be abundantly rewarded."

In his right hand he held a walking-stick armed with a spud, for uprooting thistles; and in his left a cake of dark soil, half stone, half mud. His manner was earnest. ". . . . I see," he was saying, "that I don't convince you; and it's only for your own sakes I insist on convincing you. You'll grant me that, I suppose.