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With nerves excited and bosoms agitated they lie awake, counting the hours, the minutes; now and then questioning the stars as to the time. They converse but little, and only in whispers. The night is profoundly still. The slightest sound, a word uttered above their breath, might betray them. They can distinctly hear the talk of the lancers left below.

When spoken to by those around her, she would converse, unsmilingly, neither sad nor cheerful, with but slight interest in the subject started; it was plain to see that she preferred to be left alone, even by her two dearest friends, Fan and the curate, who had attended the funeral and had come afterwards two or three times to see her.

The crop of drying cod was spread out on the flakes, as usual, and tiny specks of women and children were bending over them, turning the fish, piling them up, bearing some of them away on hand-barrows, and bringing fresh loads to scatter in the sun. When we reached the house we found Daddy lying on the steamer chair. He was engaged in deep converse with our skipper, who left at once.

She baffled him with her changes of mood and of direction coming close and then slipping from under his hand. This humour was surely new in her. She would not leave him alone, would not let him rest. Had she developed, since last he had converse with her, into a practised coquette?

I differ from his tastes in literature; I do not much admire such of his writings as I have read; I grant that he overestimates his own genius, whatever that be, yet I like to converse with him. He is a struggler upwards, though with weak wings, or with erring footsteps, like myself." "Mademoiselle," said Graham, earnestly, "I cannot say how I thank you for this candour.

He tasted some tolerably close confinement during this journey; but he thought each day would bring an end to it; and, meantime, nobody ill-treated him, and, what was more to the point, he had some converse with Dick each day. As the habit of his kind is, he had, of course, parted with Finn and the Nuthill folk without the slightest premonition regarding the duration of their separation.

In the course of that day the missionary inquired after his visitor, wishing to have further converse with him, but the Christians of Tamatave told him that Mamba had started off, almost immediately after quitting him, on his long return journey to Betsilio-land doubtless "rejoicing as one that findeth great spoil." Dust was not allowed to accumulate on the Bibles of Madagascar in those days!

The night had grown very cold and death itself could not have been more silent. Yet at intervals Kate heard the low converse of two voices; they were not far away and both were men's. A panic seized her. Her heart beat like the roll of a drum and then nearly stopped. What might happen now? she asked herself. And what could she fear but the worst?

The rest of the family tried to ignore the embarrassing situation and converse easily with the guests, but it was a difficult undertaking. Lois bent miserably over her plate, and every question appeared to shock her painfully. She seemed an obstinately bashful young girl, to whom it was useless to talk. Mrs.

They wisely did not take him on the quarterdeck, but got him between two of the after-guns, where they could converse without interruption. The result of the deliberation was that True Blue promised to consult his friends on the subject; and Elmore wound up by saying, "At all events, you must come up with me to see my mother and sisters in London.