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Here then are two things to be considered, viz. the reasons which determine us to make the past a standard for the future, and the manner how we extract a single judgment from a contrariety of past events.

There seems to have been no hopeless contrariety between the views of the Ameer and the Viceroy save in one matter that will be noted presently.

It is not the duty of a well-conducted young woman to be thinking of such things, and you may dismiss the subject at once." "Yes, papa," said Faustina submissively. But in spite of the dutiful tone of voice in which she spoke, the dim light of the tall lamps in the antechambers showed a strange expression of mingled amusement and contrariety in the girl's ethereal face.

I compared the experience of the last hours with those pictures which my imagination had drawn in the retirements of Malverton. I wondered at the contrariety that exists between the scenes of the city and the country; and fostered, with more zeal than ever, the resolution to avoid those seats of depravity and danger. Concerning my own destiny, however, I entertained no doubt.

What we have found once to follow from any object, we conclude will for ever follow from it; and if this maxim be not always built upon as certain, it is not for want of a sufficient number of experiments, but because we frequently meet with instances to the contrary; which leads us to the second species of probability, where there is a contrariety in our experience and observation.

Jupiter is a God of Peace, a Lord of Goodness, a Ruler and Possessor of the middle Region; as concerning its State, Essence, Function, Virtue, Form and Substance; for it holds the mean; no special Disease can happen, that Jupiter should cause any remarkable damage, if its Medicine be used a little at once, not too much in quantity; it is likewise thought needless, where its Medicines are not required, that they should be administred in strange cases with a just Call, but we should rather abide by those, where the Body and its Disease have an equal temper with the superiour Stars and their assistance, in vertue, power, and operation, and so accord together in their juncture, that there is not found the least contrariety in the Operation, nor in the Operative Nature.

With great mastery of her tone and manner, she spoke in an indifferent way. She was trying the dangerous experiment of playing a little upon Veronica's contrariety. The young girl laughed. "That is not at all certain!" she answered. "Only I do not see why you should all be in such a hurry.

Moreover, he sought to bring her will into subjection to his. The personal sense that he was coming into contact with a mind as strong as his own did not wholly please him, yet by a curious contrariety this very feeling increased his admiration of her. "I was willing that you should come to Richmond," he said, "for a reason that I will not mention and which perhaps has passed away.

It did not, he says, depend on the claims of the Pope, as centre of unity; "it turned on the Faith of the Church"; "there was a contrariety of claims between the Roman and Anglican religions"; and up to 1839, with the full weight of Roman arguments recognised, with the full consciousness of Anglican disadvantages, he yet spoke clearly for Anglicanism.

Hence, if in this matter there is a substantial difference from, or contrariety to the divine rule, then there is nothing but a contradiction to God's ordinance: this must needs be granted, unless it is maintained that God has wholly left the determination of this ordinance to men, absolutely and unlimitedly, giving them an unbounded liberty to act therein, according to their own pleasure, which is most absurd.