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There are two theories as to the origin of club foot; one that it is a disease caused by poor soil, bad cultivation, and unsuitable manures; the other that the injury is done by an insect enemy, Curculio contractus. It is held by some that the maggots at the root are the progeny of the cabbage flea. This I doubt.

The legitimacy of such a contract the trinus contractus, as it was called was maintained by Carletus in the Summa Angelica, which was published about 1476, and by Biel.

In all cases, common participation in the gains and losses of the enterprise was an essential feature of the contract of partnership. Before concluding the subject of partnership, we must make reference to the trinus contractus, which caused much discussion and great difficulty.

Alexander was lame, pedibus contractus, from his birth, we are told that after twenty-four years of pain and discomfort vigintiquatuor annis penaliter laborabat he made a pilgrimage to Canterbury, and there "the sainted Thomas, the divine clemency aiding him, on the second day of the month of May did straightway restore his legs and feet, bases et plantas, to the same Alexander."

Early in the sixteenth century Eck, a young professor at Ingolstadt, brought the question of the legitimacy of this contract before the University of Bologna, but no formal decision was pronounced, and, had it not been for the reaction following the Reformation, the trinus contractus would probably have gained general acceptance.