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Mallow rammed his hands into his coat pockets, scowling contemptuously. He weighed fully twenty pounds more than Warrington. Crow! Warrington shrugged. In the East crow is a rough synonym for thief. "You're at liberty to return to your diggings forward with that impression," he replied coolly.

Then, as Calumet continued to approach him the man wheeled his horse and sent it clattering down the opposite side of the hill. Calumet sneered, surprised, for the instant, at the man's action. "Shy cuss," he said, grinning contemptuously. In the next instant, however, he yielded to a quick rage and sent his pony scurrying up the slope toward the crest of the hill.

"Who," smiled Stafford, "the carver?" "Yes." "Probably a few cents a day." "A few cents a day?" gaped the clerk. "Yes." Jimmie whistled and walked away. Contemptuously he said: "He ought to have joined the Carvers' Union." Stafford laughed. "There was none in those days," he said. "Even if there had been he wouldn't have joined. He was an artist; he worked for the joy of working."

But other men of the tribe, seeing from the Chief's action that their bitterness against Grôm had been unjustified, and remembering his past services, ran up and took a hand in reducing Mawg to submission. For a few seconds Grôm looked on contemptuously; then he turned on his heel and followed the Chief, as if he did not hold his rival worth a further thought. Mawg struggled to his feet.

"You did well to reassure your wife, even though it was a pack of lies you told her," he remarked. Peter shrugged his shoulders contemptuously. "My dear Bernadine," he said, "up till now I have tried to take you seriously. You are really passing the limit. I must positively ask you to reflect a little. Do men who live the life that you and I live trust anyone?

The third merely lifted his head, looked at Tom for a moment as if with indignant surprise, and then went on tearing at the carcass as hard as ever. With a feeling of thankfulness that this particular king of the forest had treated him so contemptuously, Tom slunk behind a tree and recharged his gun, after which he advanced cautiously and sent a ball crashing through the lion's shoulder.

He condescended in this case no response whatever, but merely continued staring contemptuously before him. "It is so picturesque, and so unlike America," was the pathetic little commonplace she ventured next. "Ain't it, Nigel?" He turned his head slowly towards her, as if she had taken a new liberty in disturbing his meditations. "Wha at?" he drawled.

For a moment he writhed in a silence even more ghastly than his laughter, then lay still. "Au!" he said, turning over on his back. "My grandfather believed this Pekia to be the abode of demons." He paused. "As for me, I believe in none of them, or in any other gods." And he blew out his breath contemptuously. Le Moine surveyed the scene critically.

"'And some wine, please, growled Gholab Khan. "'Wine, too, then, if you will, assented Mirza Shah, contemptuously, for he never by any chance used the fermented juice of the grape forbidden by the Prophet, and now rendered doubly hateful to him by reason of his son's excesses. 'At dawn weapons will be brought to you, and six horses from among which you can make your choice.

Is it really from His Majesty, whom God preserve?’ I said contemptuously, ‘Of course.’ He looked at me with great pity in his eyes, sighed deeply, and took the little tin from my hand. I suppose he imagined me in my abandoned way wheedling the necessary cash out of the King for the purchase of that snuff. You can’t imagine how simple he is.