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"One of the means adopted to prevent the destruction of wood by decay is by the chemical alteration of the constituents of the sap." "This is brought about by impregnating the wood with some substance which either enters into combination with the constitutents of the sap or so alters their properties as to prevent the setting up of decomposition."

The result justified his confidence. The Democratic party had a majority of nearly 100 in the house of representatives, but that majority voted directly against its convictions. It was told that it would get no jobs for constitutents until it had surrendered its honesty. American history contains no such pitiful instance of cowardice and grovelling meanness.

The turning of the hand with the palm downwards. Pronator. The group of muscles which turn the hand palm downwards. A general term for the albuminoid constitutents of the body. A first-formed organized substance; primitive organic cell matter. Wing-like. One of a class of animal bases or alkaloids formed in the putrefaction of various kinds of albuminous matter.

Such, indeed, was, in some measure, his situation; for, according to his statement, he had been baited that morning, in the public streets even, by every monikin, monikina, monikino, brat, and beggar, that he had seen. Astonished to hear that my colleague had fallen into this disfavor with his constitutents, I was not slow in asking an explanation.

These foods contain the bony constitutents, and their avoidance tends to deossify the systems of both mother and child, and make childbirth what Nature intended it to be, a comparatively painless proceeding.