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"Oh, pardon me, sage and venerable Madoc," replied the shepherd. "Edwin did not come from the hands of nature obstinate and untractable. But grief agitates my spirits; anxiety and apprehension conjure up a thousand horrid phantoms before my distracted imagination, and I am no longer myself. I will however subdue my impatient resentments.

The conversation cheered him to an unusual degree among all those foreign people he felt strangely drawn towards this wistful lady who could talk so naturally and conjure up, by the mere power of words, a breath of his own homestead in the Midlands. He might have been sitting with an elder sister just then, eating strawberries and cream and watching a tennis match on some shady green lawn.

There was soon to be work in other regions for the hardy Hollander such as was to make the name of Heemskerk a word to conjure with down to the latest posterity. Meantime he returned to his own country to take part in the great industrial movements which were to make this year an epoch in commercial history. The conquerors of Mendoza and deliverers of Bantam had however not paused in their work.

Let me conjure you, then, if you have any regard for your country, concern for yourself or posterity, or respect for me, to banish these thoughts from your mind, and never communicate, as from yourself or any one else, a sentiment of the like nature."

When he had examined it well, he said to the princess, "As far as such a solitary being as I am, who am unacquainted with what the world calls beautiful, can judge, this hall is truly admirable and most beautiful; there wants but one thing." "What is that, good mother?" demanded the princess; "tell me, I conjure you.

It required no stretch of imagination to conjure up the most strange fancies. This gigantic head, blanched with age, thus rising from the bowels of the earth, might well have belonged to one of those fearful beings which are pictured in the traditions of the country as appearing to mortals, slowly ascending from the regions below.

"More gay than good, and not so wise as wicked," muttered Mona, and, not giving her companion time to reply, continued: "Amanda, do not importune me further, I conjure you. Enough for you to know your guardian loves you, cherishes you even as if you were his child. Let us arise from table since our meal seems done; what is it that alarms you?" Ah!

Tell me, did you not go to Rome?" "Speak not to me of Rome!" "Were you not present at the holy festival?" "Speak not of it to me!" "Then you have not been?... Tell me, I conjure you!" The answer comes, after a dark pause, with an effect of boundless bitterness: "Aye, I too was in Rome!" "Then speak! Tell me of it, unhappy man! I feel a vast compassion for you surging within my breast!"

"O Romans!" resumed Rienzi, passionately "awake! I conjure you! Let this memorial of your former power your ancient liberties sink deep into your souls. In a propitious hour, if ye seize it, in an evil one, if ye suffer the golden opportunity to escape, has this record of the past been unfolded to your eyes. Recollect that the Jubilee approaches."

In vain was the monster document unrolled in Faneuil Hall, and many Abolitionists with Irish blood were put forward to sweep the chords of Erin's heart, and to conjure by their eloquence the disciples of St. Patrick to rally under the banner of freedom. There was no response, except the response of bitter foes. Erin's harp vibrated to no breeze which did not come out of the South.