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For an instant the din of the assailants was silenced, then their shouts rose again and, after a moment's hesitation, they continued their advance. But not for long. None but the most disciplined soldiers could have advanced under that storm of grape and bullets and, in ten minutes, they fled in wild confusion, leaving the causeway thickly covered with the dead.

"Only the mud guard," she replied as she reached up to the steering wheel, touched the levers and shut off the engine. For a few minutes every one seemed to be talking at once, and there was considerable confusion.

The inhabitants of the maritime villages took fright at the noise of an hostile army; and retiring, for the most part with great haste and confusion into the inland country, carried even to the court the news of the invasion.

Then it all came about so quickly, and the tragedy of it was so unexpected and painful, throwing our peaceful camp into momentary confusion, that now it all seems to have happened with the uncanny swiftness of a dream.

To chronicle all the incidents of the struggle would take too much space here; and, as was to be expected, a third party profited most by it; the West came in, in the person of O'Conor, to lord it over both North and South, and to add another element to the dynastic confusion.

The roar of the city in his ear was to him the confusion of strange tongues, babbling heedlessly; it was the clink of coin, the voice if the city's hopes which were to him no hopes. He confessed himself an outcast, and his eyes from under the lowered rim of his hat began to glance guiltily, wearing the criminal expression that comes with certain convictions.

I should therefore prefer to reserve my writings for such friendly critics, if it did not seem necessary to make public a plain statement concerning an affair over which there appears to be much confusion.

Now will confusion so possess These monuments of ire, And so confound them with distress, And trouble their desire. 46. That what to think, or what to do, Or where to lay their head, They know not; 'tis the damned's woe To live, and yet be dead. 47. These cast-aways would fain have life, But know, they never shall, They would forget their dreadful plight, But that sticks fast'st of all. 48.

For the rest, it was one tangled confusion a locked and swaying mob that moved from right to left and from left to right along the bank; and also ground round and round slowly on its own centre.

D'Artagnan's head sunk on his breast in some confusion. "This is the way," said he, "in which God turns to nothing that which men call wisdom! A fine secret must that be of which twelve or fifteen persons hold the tattered fragments! Athos, cursed be the chance which has brought you face to face with me in this affair! for now "