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What a price that boy must have paid for his honesty! But he paid it, aye, he paid it! And then the rains put out the game and nobody knew except Burleigh and himself. Burgess almost resented the kindness of Fate to the heroic boy. But all this solved no problems for Vincent Burgess, except the realization that here was one fellow who had a soul of courage. Could he confide in Burleigh?

During the days that followed, Edmee spoke occasionally, but it was not always in my presence; besides, at this time she was nearly always delirious. Nor did she confide this to me any more than others.

He would not intentionally do anything against Desmond's interest, but he could scarcely fail to betray his anxiety to the conspirators. Feeling that there was nobody to confide in, Desmond decided that his only course was to feign ignorance of what was going on, and await events with what composure he might.

'Sir, said I, with a quickly beating heart, 'sir, are you one in whom a lady can confide? 'Why, my dear, said he, removing his cigar, 'that depends on circumstances. If you will raise your veil 'Sir, I interrupted, 'let there be no mistake. I ask you, as a gentleman, to serve me, but I offer no reward. 'That is frank, said he; 'but hardly tempting.

"He of whom I speak is the man you need. I will be responsible for him." "And he is a soldier?" "He is only an humble corporal; but the nobility of his nature entitles him to the highest rank. Believe me, we can safely confide in him." If she spoke thus, she who would willingly have given her life for the baron's salvation, she must be absolutely certain. So thought Martial.

He understood that the piano must be at this moment Madame de Bergenheim's confidant, and that she was pouring out the contradictory emotions in which she had indulged for several days; for, to a heart deprived of another heart in which to confide its joys and woes, music is a friend that listens and replies.

"Otherwise you would not be among those present," she admitted frankly. "You must surely realize that I needed, at least, to have some information relative to a man in whom I expected to confide. Telling secrets especially family secrets to strangers is not my specialty." "Then, I judge you have not accepted me blindly?" "No, I have not," earnestly, and now releasing her hand.

I felt that it would be folly to apply at the Tiltmans', for Jack Tiltman is the mildest man in seven States, and he is descended from a line of Quakers religiously opposed to war and strife. However, meeting with Tiltman, I ventured to confide to him the dilemma I was in, and I was surprised when he told me that he could provide me with any kind or size of revolver I wanted.

A French philosopher has dared to remark that whatever is secret must be doubtful, and that our natural horror of vice may be abused as an engine of tyranny. But the favorable persuasion of the same writer, that a legislator may confide in the taste and reason of mankind, is impeached by the unwelcome discovery of the antiquity and extent of the disease.

"I have matters of the utmost importance to confide to you. I am the Baron d'Artagnon, lieutenant of the company of men-at-arms commanded by Monseigneur the Duc d'Herouville." Gabrielle, under the circumstances in which she and her lover stood, was struck by these words, and by the frank tone with which the soldier said them. "Your nurse is here; she may overhear us.