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Charley Russell sat before a table in the workshop in his father's back yard. In front of him were the shining instruments of his wireless outfit his coupler, his condenser, his helix, his spark-gap, and the other parts, practically all of which he had made with his own hands. Ordinarily he would have looked at them fondly, but now he gave them hardly a thought.

Where you have to generate the current with a battery you must use a spark coil, but if you have a 110-volt direct or alternating lighting current in your home you can use a transformer which will give you more power. For this set you will need: a spark-coil, a battery of dry cells, a telegraph key, a spark gap, a high-tension condenser, and an oscillation transformer.

It may be mentioned that the temperature of the gas in the condenser is reduced to about 60° F., but below this some of the most valuable of the illuminants of coal-gas would commence to be deposited in liquid form, and care has to be taken to prevent a greater lowering of temperature.

The condenser used in the secondary coil circuit has 14 plates and this is equal to a capacitance of .0004 mfd. There are a number of inductance coils and these are arranged so that they can be connected in or cut out and combinations are thus formed which give a high efficiency and yet allow them to be compactly mounted.

Thus, by charging a condenser by means of a battery, and discharging it a given number of times in a given interval of time, so that the effect of the current of discharge should be the same as the effect of the output of the battery through a given resistance, we could estimate, by the measurement of the electrical magnitudes, the duration of the interval noted.

You will observe: that the terminals of the power transformer secondary coil which develops 10 volts are connected to the filaments of the oscillator tubes; that the terminals of the other secondary coil which develops 10 volts are connected with the filaments of the rectifier tubes; that the terminals of the third secondary coil which develops 550 volts are connected with the plates of the rectifier tubes; that the pair of filter condensers are connected in parallel and these are connected to the mid-taps of the two filament secondary coils; that the reactance coil and the third filter condenser are connected together in series and these are shunted across the filter condensers, which are in parallel; and, finally, a lead connects the mid-tap of the 550-volt secondary coil of the power transformer with the connection between the reactor and the third filter condenser.

He was not satisfied, as too many workmen are, with merely learning the routine work of his own trade; with merely knowing that he must turn such and such a tap or valve in order to produce such and such a desired result: he wanted to see for himself how and why the engine did this or that, what was the use and object of piston and cylinder and crank and joint and condenser in short, fully to understand the underlying principle of its construction.

It will be well in this examination to note the general "lay" of the air pipes, length, hight to which they rise above condenser and air pump, facilities for drainage, etc., as this information may prove valuable in determining the course necessary to rectify deficiencies which may later be found to exist.

This condenser, which is shown at D, is made in two sizes, the smaller one being large enough for all ordinary wave lengths while the larger one is for proportionately longer wave lengths. These condensers cost $4.00 and $5.00 respectively. About Telephone Receivers. There are a number of makes of head telephone receivers on the market that are designed especially for wireless work.

In some cases I intend to use both the condenser and this force of steam, so that the powers of these engines will as much exceed those pressed only by the air, as the expansive power of the steam is greater than the weight of the atmosphere.