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But the danger which threatens my reputation affects me most, if we should go away rejected and condemned by you; for men will never suppose that you grudged the price of our redemption."

At a public meeting the town board was condemned for its failure to strengthen the jail at the time Anderson made his demand three years before. "What's the use in me catchin' thieves, and so forth, if the jail won't hold 'em?" Anderson declared.

At any rate he would not give her up, and before he had gone to bed that night he had already concocted a letter to her in his brain, explaining the whole of that Neefit affair, and asking her whether a man should be condemned to misery for life because he had been led by misfortune into such a mistake as that.

You are only a spy, come to my house to mole for evidence against me." "No no!" he cried sharply. "You will remember that I did not want to come. I foresaw that it might be awkward, but I did not foresee this." "That you would be found out before you had won your end? I believe you, sir," she retorted contemptuously. "I see I'm condemned before I'm heard." "Will any explanation alter the facts?

It is difficult in the dark forests of Germany and Poland to pursue the emigrations of the Heruli, a fierce people who disdained the use of armor, and who condemned their widows and aged parents not to survive the loss of their husbands, or the decay of their strength.

"Wouldn't the people she has consulted give some information? She must have been to people. How else can she have been condemned?" "Condemned to what? Condemned to perpetual nippers?

Nobody in the ship, except perhaps the mate, troubled to show me how to do these strange tasks; but all swore at me for not doing them rightly. What I felt most keenly was the injustice of their verdicts upon me. I was being condemned by them as a dirty, snivelling, lying, thieving young hound.

It is said that, according to the constitutions of Jamaica, he was legally enslaved; these constitutions are merely positive; and apparently injurious to the rights of mankind, because whoever is exposed to sale is condemned to slavery without appeal; by whatever fraud or violence he might have been originally brought into the merchant's power.

For example the question of the specialist. They were all positively agreed, Edwin found, that a specialist was unnecessary. Darius was condemned beyond hope or argument. There he sat, eating and talking, in the large, fine house that he had created out of naught, looking not at all like a corpse; but he was condemned. The doctor had convinced them.

Nor can I be brought to believe that Paul, by whose learning you may judge the rest, would have so often condemned questions, disputes, genealogies, and, as himself calls them, "strifes of words," if he had thoroughly understood those subtleties, especially when all the debates and controversies of those times were rude and blockish in comparison of the more than Chrysippean subtleties of our masters.