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The race of the ancient earls of Orkney, descendants of Jarl Einar-Torf, becoming extinct, Magnus Smak, king of Norway, nominated, about 1343, Erngisel Sunason Bot, a Swedish nobleman, to be Jarl or Earl of Orkney. In 1357 Malic Conda, or Mallis Sperre, claimed the earldom. Afterwards, in 1369, Henry Sinclair put in his claim, and was nominated earl in 1370, by King Hakon.

God —— the Sunne Isnez the Heauen camet the Day —— the Night aiagla Water ame Sand estogaz a sayle aganie the Head agonaze the Throate conguedo the Nose hehonguesto the Teeth hesangue the Nayles agetascu the Feete ochedasco the Legs anoudasco a dead man amocdaza a Skinne aionasca that Man yca a Hatchet asogne a Cod fish gadagoursere good to be eaten guesande Flesh ———— Almonds anougaza Figs asconda Gold henyosco the priuie members assegnega an Arrow cacta a greene Tree haueda an earthen dish vndaco a Bow ———— Brasse aignetaze the Brow ansce a Feather yco the Moone casmogan the Earth conda the Wind canut the Raine onnoscon Bread cacacomy the Sea amet a Ship casaomy a Man vndo the Haires hoc hosco the Eyes ygata the Mouth heche the Eares hontasco the Armes agescu a Woman enrasesco a sicke Man alouedeche Shooes atta a skinne to couer a mans ouscozon priuy members red cloth cahoneta a Knife agoheda a Mackrell agedoneta Nuttes caheya Apples honesta Beanes sahe a Sword achesco