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Yellett was preparing breakfast at a sheet-iron stove, assisted by Cacta and Clematis. "Your hankering after a bath like this"—she added another handful of flour to the biscuit dough—"do shore remind me of an Englishman who come to visit near Laramie in the days of plenty, when steers had jumped to forty-five.

But before he goes he expounds to Joplin Joe, his foreman, the nature of a peer and how his wants is apt to be a heap fashionable, and that when he asks for anything to grasp the can-opener and run to the store-houseCacta, you put on the coffee! "That peer arrives in the afternoon, and he never makes a request any more than a corpse.

The class was rapidly promoted to c-a-t, cat; but these dizzy intellectual heights left them cold and dull. Ben began to clean his revolver, and on being asked why he did not pay attention to his lessons, answered, briefly: "It’s all d——d foolishness." Cacta and Clem were pulling each other’s hair. Mary affected not to see this sisterly exchange of torture.

Yellett had announced that they were in the habit of sleeping in the moon, it would not have surprised her. "If you are tired, an’ want to go to bed, you can shuck off and lie down any time. Ben, Jack, Ned, go an’ set with paw in the tent while the gov’ment gets ready for bed. Cacta and Clem, you help me with them quilts."

I called her plain Cactus till she was three, and along came a sharp studyin’ the flowers an’ weeds out here, and he ’lowed that Cactus was a boy’s name an’ Cacta was for girlscalled it a feeminin tarnation, or somethin’ like that, so we changed it. My second daughter ’ain’t got quite so much of a name. She’s called Clematis.

Mary made out a roll-call, and by unanimous consent it was agreed to arrange the class as it then stood, or rather squatted, with the Herculean Ben at the top, and gradually diminishing in size till it reached the vanishing point with Cacta, who was ten and the least terrifying of all.

It’s too bad my boys should be dumb ’n account of a little thing like vinegar and brown paper." "Maw, they be dumb as Injuns," declared Cacta, preening herself, while the Messrs. Yellett reapplied themselves to their dinner with ostentatious interest. "Well, well!" said Mrs.

It was a treat to see her handle the ribbons. Mary asked some trifling question about the children and it elicited the information that one of the girls was named Cacta. "Yes," she said, "I like new names for children, not old ones that is all frazzled out and folks has suffered an’ died to. It seems to start ’em fair, like playin’ cards with a new deck.