United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There would be no fight, at least for the present. The men, indeed, had hoped to come to actual warfare, but they could not force war on their chief without some good cause. After all, the sooner the white people were out of the way the better for all concerned. Did the leader of this open mutiny have ulterior designs upon the treasure, upon the life of Umballa? Perhaps.

He stood sentry, as we have before said, very attentive to his instructions, when he saw a coach stop at the door, without being in the least concerned at it, and still less, at a man whom he saw get out of it, and whom he immediately heard coming upstairs.

The matter of discipline has not been a difficult one with us, of course we have a good deal of noise, the adults are very apt to forget and talk noisily but as far as real trouble is concerned we have not had it. The Boys' Club room is a great help, in that the boy who just comes down town for fun and not to read goes into that room from preference.

We have now his authority to say, that, as far as our resources were concerned, the experiment was equally without necessity. "It appears," as the committee has very justly and satisfactorily observed, "by the accounts of the value of the imports and exports for the last twenty years, produced by Mr.

"I don't think we knew each other's name. I had the honour of doing a small a very small service for Madame, such a service as any man may be allowed to do for a lady at Monte Carlo." If he laid an emphasis on the last two words, it was hardly strong enough to be noticed, unless by the person most concerned.

What more can he want?" "Yes, devil take it, of course it's all topsy-turvy," replied Stolpe. "But that's precisely the reason why No, no, you won't persuade me, my young friend! You seem to me a good deal too 'red. It wouldn't do! Now I've been concerned in the movement from the very first day, and no one can say that Stolpe is afraid to risk his skin; but that way wouldn't suit me.

His brutish nature, being what it was, left him concerned only for the forceful manner by which he could restore that authority which he felt to be slipping away from him under the curious change which had come over the camp. His position depended on the adequate output of his winter's cut and on nothing else. That, he knew, was desperately falling, and

As to this second, who is of course the prince concerned in the references of the text, a new and most extraordinary interest has begun to invest his tragical story in this very month of April, 1853; at least, it is now first brought before universal Christendom.

"I shall probably be more concerned in saving my life than in saving my face," I thought.

In order to have a storehouse full of garments, shoes and blankets, which he distributed gratuitously, with paternal kindness and prudence. This was a business which he never ceased to ply, in which he trusted only to himself, and with which he concerned himself up to his death." The charity of the prelate was boundless.