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There can accordingly be no doubt, Gentlemen, that precisely this was the intention of this provision of the Constitution; namely, that the prerogative was to be conceded to science that it should not lie under the limitations which the general criminal code imposes upon every-day, trivial expressions of opinion.

The old lady called all of her young relations cousin without adding the Christian name and it was generally conceded that she did this because she could not keep up with the younger generation in the many homes she visited. "Mother, remember your promise," whispered Mildred. "Yes, Mother, remember," added Nan. "Now is the time, before the trunks and things get put in the wrong room."

This I claim individually; and further conjointly with the squadron my share of the prize-money conceded to the captors by Imperial decree, without which customary incentive neither myself, nor any other foreign officer or seaman, would have been likely to enter the service.

This low rate in Prussia and other German states is partly explained by the fact that a considerable proportion of the annual product of the wood is either conceded to persons claiming prescriptive rights, or sold, at a very small price, to the poor.

"If Devon catches us at it, he won't leave us an eye to keep on anything!" Epstein grunted again. "Ve keep him busy," he suggested, eagerly. "Start him right avay on another play. Eh? That's the idea!" Bangs shook his head. "That's it," he conceded. "But Laurie has decided that he won't work again, just yet. He says he's tired and wants a few months' rest.

But the essence is of the living sort. With this conceded and the fact that nature’s appeal is always strongest when made through association with man it is for us to cultivate these associations. “Study nature attentively,” says Reynolds, “but always with the masters in your company; consider them as models which you are to imitate, and at the same time as rivals, with whom you are to contend.”

Sharp, as he removed a bit of paint from the end of the nose. "To be sure," agreed Tom. "And hold on, I have the very name for it Red Cloud!" "Red Cloud?" questioned Mr. Sharp. "Yes!" exclaimed Tom, with enthusiasm. "It's painted red at least the big, aluminum gas container is and we hope to go above the clouds in it. Why not Red Cloud?" "That's what it shall be!" conceded the balloonist.

Comparisons are not to be lightly instituted, and especially under circumstances that do not allow a fair survey of the whole field from which the objects to be compared are to be taken. We suppose, however, it will be conceded that the sunset continent has never witnessed anything like the inception of this mighty task in the way of systematic natural science.

The Troup men claimed to be loyal to the Constitution of their country in all its defined grants, and conceded the right of the Chief Magistrate to execute the office so delegated, but they resisted what they believed to be a dangerous latitude of construction looking to consolidated power. Robert Toombs was not a disciple of Calhoun.

"I suppose she could take the trolley almost to the school grounds," Eleanor conceded, reluctantly. "Why can't she live out there? It's a boarding school, isn't it?" For a moment she accepted his decision with relief; then the thought of his comfort urged her: "I know of an awfully attractive house, with a garden. Little Bingo could hide his bones in it." "No," he said, sharply; "it wouldn't do.