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Take her, Milortake your Joan of Arc; I would not attempt to deprive you of her if she were a real flesh and blood Pucelle, and my own sister.” The Englishman, with a grand oath, seized the Comte’s hand in both his own, and shook it heartily; then scrambling up his paraphernalia of war, spoke a hurried farewell, and disappeared down the stairs.

With this mere suggestion of the general causes which render mathematical principles and processes so predominant in those deductive sciences which afford precise numerical data, I must, on the present occasion, content myself; referring the reader who desires a more thorough acquaintance with the subject, to the first two volumes of M. Comte’s systematic work.

Much has been written by Christian theologians to show the superiority of monotheisms; and by their opponents much has been made of Comte’s loi des trois états, which defines religious progress to be first fetichism, secondly polytheism, finally monotheism. Of this Mr.

And as things left without a name are apt to be forgotten, a Canon of that description is not one of the many benefits which the philosophy of Induction has received from M. Comté’s great powers. Does a cause always stand with its effect in the relation of antecedent and consequent?