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Il y a des comptes, des roys, des ducs; ainsi C'est assez pour moy d'estre Seigneur de Seton. Which may be thus rendered: Earl, duke, or king, be thou that list to be: Seton, thy lordship is enough for me. This distich reminds us of the "pride which aped humility," in the motto of the house of Couci: Je suis ni roy, ni prince aussi; Je suis le Seigneur de Coucy.

Stefan's rule of a fourth-power relation, if not actually a law of nature, is a colourable imitation of one; and its employment has afforded a practical certainty that the sun's temperature, so far as it is definable, neither exceeds 12,000° C., nor falls short of 6,500° C. Mag., vol. xxiii. Roy. Jour. of Science, vol. i. Roy. Observatory, vol. i.; Comptes Rendus, t. cxxxi., p. 734; Astroph.

In David A. Wells' Things not Generally Known, New York, 1857, I find a translation of an article by M. Boutigny in The Comptes Rendus, in which he notes that "the portion of the hands which are not immersed in the fused metal, but are exposed to the action of the heat radiated from its surface, experience a painful sensation of heat."

Part of the strength of homogeneous agglomerations resides in their anonymity. We know that during the Commune of 1871 a few anonymous orders sufficed to effect the burning of the finest monuments of Paris: the Hotel de Ville, the Tuileries, the Cour des Comptes, the buildings of the Legion of Honour, &c.

The Republic of 1848 made the palace the headquarters of the Cour des Comptes and of the État Major of the National Guard. Under Napoleon III the Palais Royal became the dwelling of Prince Jerome, the uncle of the emperor. Later it served the same purpose for the son of Prince Napoleon.

* Comptes du domaine, 1383. And not only had Messire Robert d'Estouteville his special court as provost and vicomte of Paris; but in addition he had a share, both for eye and tooth, in the grand court of the king. There was no head in the least elevated which had not passed through his hands before it came to the headsman.

"En ecus bien comptes?" "There's no doubt whatever about her fortune. I've seen it, as I may say." "Satisfactory woman! I mean you. And if I go to see her shall I see the mother?" "The mother? She has none nor father either." "The aunt then whom did you say? Mrs. Touchett. I can easily keep her out of the way." "I don't object to her," said Osmond; "I rather like Mrs. Touchett.

Rudge & Co., of Coventry, represented in the cut. Photo. News. A printing frame is placed in the carrier, and exposed to the light of a gas burner kept at a fixed distance, behind which is a spherical reflector. The same frame may be used for other purposes.-Photographic News. A selenium actinometer has been described in the Comptes Rendus in a communication from M. Morize, of Rio de Janeiro.

Francois Marie Arouet, who called himself Voltaire, was the son of Francois Arouet of Poitou, who lived in Paris, had given up his office of notary two years before the birth of this his third son, and obtained some years afterwards a treasurer's office in the Chambre des Comptes. Voltaire was born in the year 1694.

M. Montagne in "Comptes Rendus" etc. In almost every long voyage some account is given of these confervae. They appear especially common in the sea near Australia; and off Cape Leeuwin I found an allied, but smaller and apparently different species. Captain Cook, in his third voyage, remarks that the sailors gave to this appearance the name of sea-sawdust.