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Sprowle in to supper?" And the Colonel returned the compliment by offering his arm to Mrs. Judge Thornton. The door of the supper-room was now open, and the company, following the lead of the host and hostess, began to stream into it, until it was pretty well filled. There was an awful kind of pause.

Ruby at once waved his in reply, but as the attention of the men had been directed to the vessel by Ned's remark, each saw the salutation, and, claiming it as a compliment to himself, uttered a loud cheer, which terminated in a burst of laughter, caused by the sight of Ruby's half-angry, half-ashamed expression of face.

In 1765, having sent a letter of compliment to Gray, then on a visit to the Earl of Strathmore, he was invited to Glammis Castle, the residence of that nobleman, to meet the English poet, in whom he found such a combination of excellence as he had hitherto been a stranger to.

"Thank you very much; but if you go, the picture will be spoiled!" But Valmai, taking no notice of the implied compliment, began her way to the big door. "This lovely white cow! do you think your uncle would allow me to paint her?"

And now when any Englishman goes ashore at Boma or Matadi or any place on the river, they're fit to eat him." The compliment had its doubtful side, but Kettle bowed with pleasure. "Mr. Mate," he said, "I should have been more polite to you. I forgot you were a man who had just come through an anxious time." "Anxious time! My holy grandmother! You should have just seen.

The best I could do was to fish up a compliment from outside, so to speak and the pity of it was, that it was true: "Madame, your people will adore you for this." Quite true, but I meant to hang her for it some day if I lived. Some of those laws were too bad, altogether too bad.

He was in fact rather proud of the confidence reposed in him. To treat him as a friend in need was the highest compliment that anyone could pay the kind-hearted Irishman. Cheerily he undertook to remain at Blue Hill Farm until Burke's return, always providing that Mrs. Burke didn't get tired of him and turn him out. "She won't do that," said Burke.

Hodder, but I don't mind telling you that for a clergyman, for a man absorbed in spiritual matters, a man who can preach the sermons you preach, you've got more common-sense and business thoroughness than any one I have ever run across in your profession." "Looking over the ground?" Hodder repeated, ignoring the compliment. "Sure," said Mr. Plimpton, smiling more benignly than ever.

"Did our friend Horace say that?" meekly inquired Whittier, and a smile of satisfaction flowed over his Quaker countenance. The man is not born yet who does not like an honest compliment, especially if it comes from a high quarter.

Although at another time Mr Swiveller might have looked upon this as a doubtful compliment, he felt it, under the then-existing circumstances, a great relief to be assured that he was not wrongfully suspected. When he had made a suitable reply, Mr Brass wrung him by the hand, and fell into a brown study, as did Miss Sally likewise.