United States or Cyprus ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The middle classes were spending the greater part of their time in devising methods by which the exorbitant and intempestive demands of the collectors could be either evaded or, more rarely, complied with.

It has been stated in the Volksraad that not one of those concessionaires has even paid the dues and rents, or complied with the other conditions stipulated in the contracts. district was practically locked up for fourteen years owing to the concession policy, and has only lately been partly released from the bonds of monopoly. In 1884 Messrs.

We were so much pleased and diverted by the whimsical manner in which this merry contented mortal lived among his menagerie, that we sent the horses on to Breglio, and complied with his eager desire of entertaining us at his cabaret, if a hut the size of a tea-caddy, without another human habitation visible for four miles, could be so called.

Half-way the bearer of this present and message met his little son, who, seeing what was in the basket, begged his father to give him some of the food. His father foolishly complied. Presently he saw the young man, and gave him the rest of the present and the message.

Wharton followed him into the room. "As we live now," continued Lopez, "I have not much opportunity of speaking to you, even on business." "Well, sir; you can speak now, if you have anything to say." "The £5000 you promised me must be paid to-morrow. It is the last day." "I promised it only on certain conditions. Had you complied with them the money would have been paid before this." "Just so.

Many, I may say numerous cases, have occurred of worse kinds than the above, such as children insisting on bringing something from home, as the bellows, tongs, poker, the mother's bonnet, father's hat, &c., as the condition of coming to school, which the simple parent has complied with rather than adopt the required firmness, which is essential in matters of this kind.

And with these words he gently assisted her into the coach. "Get in, professor," he added, with a touch of the same command. "We must be moving." With a succinct phrase of direction to the driver, Serviss complied, taking the front seat, opposite Viola. He was horrified to find her shaking violently as if with cold, her face white, her eyes big and wild.

"If it does no other good, it will warn old Tom to put the pot over, and let him know visiters are at hand. Come, lad; get into the canoe, and we will hunt the ark up, while there is yet day." Deerslayer complied, and the canoe left the spot. Its head was turned diagonally across the lake, pointing towards the south-eastern curvature of the sheet.

Two days before the approach of the fleet was known at Cairo, the French and English consuls proposed that the Khedive should issue a decree, declaring a general amnesty, and that the president of the council, the minister of war, and the three military pashas should quit the country for a year. This request was complied with.

That hope was not fulfilled; the King declined to visit Clarendon, but was prepared to see him at Whitehall. It may well be doubted whether Clarendon would not have served his own cause better, and that with no injury to public interests, had he complied with the request.