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Christmas Day broke clear and bright. Punctual to the minute the motor came puffing along, the youthful-looking chauffeur drawing up before the door with an air of conscious complaisance. Despite his very professional attire perhaps, indeed, because of it so very youthful did he appear, that Jack was visited by a qualm. "Er er are you going to drive us all the way?" he inquired anxiously.

But since I find you in this communicative vein, will you not push complaisance a half-inch further, and tell me what that thing is, suspended there in the sky above the crest of the Cornobastone that pale round thing, that looks like the spectre of a magnified half-crown?" Peter turned to the quarter her gaze indicated. "Oh, that," he said, "is nothing.

Hardly had I closed the door, and put the key in my pocket, before Madame D'Anville entered. "Do you generally order your servants to keep me waiting in your anti- room?" said she haughtily. "Not generally," I replied, endeavouring to make my peace; but all my complaisance was in vain she was jealous of my intimacy with the Duchesse de Perpignan, and glad of any excuse to vent her pique.

"I will drink then out of complaisance," said Schacabac, "for I see you will have nothing wanting to make your treat complete; but since I am not accustomed to drink wine, I am afraid I shall commit some error in point of good breeding, and contrary to the respect that is due to you; therefore I pray you, once more, to excuse me from drinking any wine; I will be content with water."

Later we adjourned to the pretty garden back of the music-room, and here we were joined by a beautiful gray Angora cat, the pet and pride of his mistress, and a very important personage indeed. He has a trick of climbing to Miss Goodson's shoulder, from which point of vantage he surveys the world about him with all the complaisance of which an animal of such high degree is capable.

The news of the collapse of Prussia ended his bravado. Complaisance again reigned at Madrid, and 15,000 Spaniards were sent, at Napoleon's demand, to serve on the borders of Denmark, while the autocrat of the West perfected his plans against the Iberian Peninsula.

If, out of mere complaisance, you abet their measures, you will share in the hatred of the public.

So bide still, d'ye hear, and tomorrow we shall be out of the town altogether as early as you like. The obstinacy of age had, in short, overmastered its complaisance, and the young woman said no more.

In this unnatural situation social laws and the laws of nature are in conflict, but the young girl obediently abandons herself to it, and, from motives of self-interest, suffers in silence. Her obedience is a speculation; her complaisance is a hope; her devotion to you is a sort of vocation, of which you reap the advantage; and her silence is generosity.

Tunley had scarce got the better of his agitation, when his wife, entering the room, told them, by way of news, that some waggish body had sent Mr. Sackbut the curate to pray with her. This name inflamed the husband's choler anew; and, forgetting all his complaisance for his spouse, he replied with a rancorous grin, "Add rabbit him! I doubt not but you found his admonitions deadly comfortable!"