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"Ah! by the Signora Cicogna, with whom I think you were somewhat smitten last year." "Last year was I? How a year can alter a man! But my debt to the Prince. What has Le Sens Commun to do with my horses?" "I met Rameau at Savarin's the other evening.

Valentina Mihailovna said that she would be delighted to be aux petits soins with the new visitor, but it seemed to her that he had no need of these petits soins and took no notice of them; not rudely in any way, but he was quite indifferent; very remarkable in a man du commun. "Never mind.... Be nice to him just the same!" Sipiagin begged of her.

We may dismiss the hint in 'Le Sens Commun' about his future political career, at least he evinces no such ambition." "How could he as a Legitimist?" said Alain, bitterly. "What department would elect him?" "But is he a Legitimist?" asked De Breze. "I take it for granted that he must be that," answered Alain, haughtily, "for he is a De Mauleon."

The latter, printed "Au Burcau de l'imprimerie, rue du Theatre-Francais, No. 4," is said to be by "Thomas Paine, Citoyen et cultivateur de l'Amerique septentrionale, secretaire du Congres du departement des affaires etrangeres pendant la guerre d'Amerique, et auteur des ouvrages intitules: LA SENS COMMUN et LES DROITS DE L'HOMME."

The Imperialist set, of course, execrate and prescribe him. You know he is the writer of those biting articles signed Pierre Firmin in the Sens Commun; and I am told he is the proprietor of that very clever journal, which has become a power." "So, so that is the journal in which Mademoiselle Cicogna's roman first appeared.

"With my token thou canst command the loyalty of every Nicolotto is it thine oar that made that rustle? and perchance, if there were a rising of the traghetti to demand aught of the Signoria come nearer, Antonio! the Castellani also, if they willed to join with their traghetti in asking for justice would not serve under my token the less heartily for the word, confided low to their bancali dost understand? that if their taxes and their fines oppress them, these also, I being free, will pay this year to the maledetto Avvogadoro del Commun."

If so, tant pis pour vous. Pardon me, I mean that your salary suffers in proportion as the Sens Commun declines in sale." "She has not accepted them. I advised her not to do so until she could compare them with those offered by the proprietor of the Sens Commun." "And your advice guides her?

The thought of Pascal's was brought home to him: "A mesure qu'on a plus d'esprit, on trouve qu'il y a plus d'hommes originaux. Les gens du commun ne trouvent pas de différence entre les hommes." The typical and unvarying Hodge ceased to exist.

And the Duchesse de Tarascon is connected with Alain, and therefore with De Mauleon, though but distantly." "Ah! excuse my ignorance of genealogy." "As if the genealogy of noble names were not the history of France," muttered Alain, indignantly. Yes, the "Sens Commun" was a success: it had made a sensation at starting; the sensation was on the increase.

Arg. in l. si major. c. commun. divid. et de cons. di. 1. c. solemnitates, et ibi gl.