United States or Lebanon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But trying to work out a foolproof plan would be a waste of time when she didn't know just what she was up against. This should give her a running start, a long one. When should she leave? Right now, she decided. Commissioner Tate presumably would be informed that she had applied for a transfer and that the transfer had been denied.

In a street disturbance that spring a student had been shot by a negro, and it was reported that, in case of the young man's death, the murderer would be summarily dealt with by his college-mates. Captain Wagner, the military commissioner, wrote to General Lee informing him of these reports. He received the following reply: "Washington College, Lexington, Virginia, May 4, 1868.

"Whereas the annexation of Texas to the United States has been advocated and strongly urged by many of our fellow-citizens, particularly in the southern part of our country, and the president of Texas has received authority to open a correspondence with, and appoint, a commissioner to our government to accomplish the object; And whereas such a measure would bring to us a dangerous extension of territory, with a population generally not desirable, and would probably involve us in war; And whereas the subject is now pressed upon and agitated in Congress; therefore,

Ben was called after Sir Benjamin Hall, who was First Commissioner of Works at the time he was brought into being. Bridge Street was formed at the building of the bridge, and is almost on the site of the Long Woolstaple. In the reign of King Edward III., in the year 1353, Westminster was made one of the ten towns in England where the staple or market for wool might be held.

But, in addition to this, before the diamonds left the safe at the Bank of England, the building was practically torn to pieces inside by workmen acting under the direction of the Commissioner of Police. It was absolutely impossible for anyone to enter except through the front door, unless they flew out of the second storey window.

In the meeting of the Town Council of Sheffield, on Wednesday, January 10th, 1844, the Commissioner of Police exhibited a cast-iron machine, made for the express purpose of producing an explosion, and found filled with four pounds of powder, and a fuse which had been lighted but had not taken effect, in the works of Mr. Kitchen, Earl Street, Sheffield.

Brennan shook his head doubtfully as if he was puzzled by this new move by the commissioner. "I can't figure it out yet," he whispered. In twenty minutes, at Gibson's order, the chauffeur stopped the automobile at a corner in West Eleventh street. "We'll stop here and walk the rest of the way, it's only half a block," explained the commissioner. "To drive up to the house would give them warning."

He's quite a stranger to us the commissioner met him at Lord Oldborough's, and on Lord Oldborough's account, of course Vigor, we must have more light, Vigor wishes to pay him attention But here's Mr. Percy," continued she, turning to Alfred, "can, I dare say, tell you all about these things. I think the commissioner mentioned that it was you, Mr.

In the evening came Commissioner Pett, who fell foule on mee for my carriage to him at Chatham, wherein, after protestation of my love and good meaning to him, he was quiet; but I doubt he will not be able to do the service there that any other man of his ability would.

The interior, at all events, had a neat and clean appearance, but several blackened ruins, loop-holed walls, the upper part of which were thickly bespattered with bullet-marks, showed that it had been lately the scene of, perhaps, a brief but desperate encounter between the hostile forces. The inn where the British commissioner was said to be was pointed out to him.