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With his forefinger he merely tapped the two numerals. "The Double-Four!" she gasped. He looked around and nodded. The commissionaire was waiting. Peter took up his silk hat from under the seat. "If I am detained, dear," he whispered, "you'll make the best of it, won't you? The car will be here and Frederick will be looking out for you." "Of course," she answered, cheerfully.

'But the servants will see me here when they get up to-morrow, said the commissionaire, with a faint smile, 'and they will be pretty certain to ask what I'm doing of up here. What shall I say to 'em? 'You've been a soldier, haven't you? asked Racksole.

The Commissionaire is no recipient of charity; what Captain Walter has done is simply to show him how he may earn an honest and comfortable livelihood, and to provide him, if he desires it, with a home of a kind which the ex-militaire naturally most appreciates.

After meditating awhile, her face still more contracted, she placed the letter in the drawer, which she closed again, and half an hour later she summoned a commissionaire, to whom she intrusted a letter, with the order to deliver it immediately, and that letter was addressed to the inspector of police of the district.

The official pushed across the counter some banknotes and sovereigns, and summoned a commissionaire to usher her into the waiting room till he had prepared the circular notes. The respite was a blessing. It gave Helen time to recover her self possession. She opened the packet and found therein coupons for the journey to and from St.

For he was almost running in his efforts to keep pace with Madame d'Argeles's insulter. The latter's haste was soon explained. He was carrying a letter which he wished to have delivered, and no doubt he feared he would not be able to find a commissionaire. Having discovered one at last, he called him, gave him the missive, and then pursued his way more leisurely.

Violet bit her lip, but as he handed her into the small electric brougham which was waiting she smiled into his face. "You will come back, and soon, Peter," she declared confidently. "Wherever you go I am sure of that. You see, I have faith in my star which watches over you." He kissed her fingers and turned away. The commissionaire had already called him a taxi-cab.

The woman's presence in the great city in her deplorable state was the last thing he wanted to be known; so he lied clumsily. "Nay; she is in Alexandria," he blurted out. The commissionaire slowly winked an eye. "Perhaps," he said; "perhaps not," and chuckled as the negro turned hastily and strode away in the direction of the bank.

"Vous voyez ca?" "Point d'excuse!" "It is scandalous, it is shameful, it is abominable, M'sieur," shouted the Commissionaire, "the way you have acted! Twenty-four hours you hide the dead body of a dog in your bedroom! You hope to escape the eye of the law! You would bring disgrace on the gendarmerie, on the municipality of Paris!

I made inquiries and found that it was taken by a small photographer in Putney, and that the man had called for the photographs about ten o'clock in the morning of the same day that he sent the commissionaire on his errand. He was probably examining them during the period of his waiting in the flat, and one of them slipped to the ground.