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Up rises a wild-haired, weak-limbed silhouette of a man, and affecting a solemnity of mien which might have become the virtuous Guizot, moves this resolution: 'The French people condemns Charles Louis Napoleon the Third to the penalty of perpetual hard labour. Then up rises the commissary of police and says quietly, 'I declare this meeting at an end.

A half-hour later, the commissary of police arrived, then the coroner and the chief of the Surete, Mon. Dudouis. I had been careful not to touch the corpse. The preliminary inquiry was very brief, and disclosed nothing. There were no papers in the pockets of the deceased; no name upon his clothes; no initial upon his linen; nothing to give any clue to his identity.

If you refuse to go, I shall arrest you here, and denounce you to the government of France, as the cause of the insurrection which will undoubtedly ensue. You will not choose to incur this infamy. Therefore," he continued, turning to Captain Meronet, "you will have the goodness to return to your ship, and prepare it for the reception of the Commissary.

"Every word thou hast spoken, Lord Clowes," replied Mrs. Meredith, "has tended to make us think so." "Then may you reap the full measure of your folly," raged the commissary. "Come, Janice," said her mother; and the two, without a parting word, left him. Once upstairs, Janice flung her arms about Mrs. Meredith's neck. "Oh, mother," she cried, "please, please forgive me!

General de Vins demanded satisfaction of the Genoese government for the seizure of his commissary; and then, without waiting for their reply, took possession of some empty magazines of the French, and pushed his sentinels to the very gates of Genoa.

"I deeply regret to say that will be the next thing, Mademoiselle, unless satisfaction is given to me," returned the Commissary of Police. Maxine threw back her thick veil; and if this were the first time these men had ever seen the celebrated actress off the stage, it seemed to me that her beauty must almost have dazzled them, thus suddenly displayed.

Major Ogden, of the engineers, occupied a house outside the fort. I was quartermaster and commissary, and, taking advantage of one of the engineer schooners engaged in bringing materials for the fort, I went up to Mobile city, and, through the agency of Messrs. Deshon, Taylor, and Myers, merchants, procured all essentials for the troops, and returned to the post.

For the same reason, they would not go to the procession for the publication of the bull, even when they were commanded to do so by the commissary of the Crusade. The cabildo rendered account to the governor, in a very learned document, of their government during the absence of the archbishop; the Audiencia also made him a very suitable report of what they had done.

And I have little hope that the friar should be able to throw any light upon that," said the lawyer. "We shall see; here comes the lay-brother. Ugh! what a life it must be to live in such a place as this from one year's end to the other; nothing but a frate could stand it," said the Commissary, looking upon the desolation around him with infinite disgust.

H. J. Gallagher, Major and Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. V., to be brevetted Lieutenant Colonel for faithful and meritorious service throughout the campaign. Capt. Brice, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. V., to be brevetted Major for faithful and meritorious service throughout the campaign.