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Hugo is often pompous, shallow, empty, unreal, but he is at least an artist, and when he thinks of the artist and forgets the prophet, as in "Les Chansons des Rues et des Bois," his juggling with the verse is magnificent, superb. "Comme un geai sur l'arbre Le roi se tient fier; Son cœur est de marbre, Son ventre est de chair.

She comes, you know, of one of their best and oldest families." "Oh, for that, no; not remarkable. Good, if you will bon comme du pain; it strikes me much, that goodness, among these American rich whom we are accustomed to hear so crudely caricatured in Europe; and it is quite a respectable little aristocracy.

"Well, Sir Owen, there is nothing I should like more than to see mademoiselle married, only " "Only you don't think she'll marry me?" "Comme monsieur a dit, elle a eu toujours son idée." "But after the great shock surely she will see that marriage is the only way."

I noticed that he translated "Mais comme nous voulons toujours tout rapporter a un certain but," "But we, always wishing to refer," &c., while I had it, "But we, ever on the look-out to refer," &c.; and "Nous ne faisons pas attention que nous alterons la philosophie," "We fail to see that thus we deprive philosophy of her true character," whereas I had "We fail to see that we thus rob philosophy of her true character."

"Good-by, you envious old fox-and-the-grapes," says Miss Jones, and the next moment I see her whirling by in a polka with Tom Tozer, at a pace which makes me shrink back with terror into the little boudoir. Canaillard. Oh, ces Anglais! quels hommes, mon Dieu! Comme ils sont habilles, comme ils dansent! Bobwitz.

You may say they're not very clean that's another matter... A la guerre, comme a la guerre! ... 'But I have never known any Amalia Ivanovas, and have never known how to behave with women of that sort, replied Olenin. 'One cannot respect them, but these I do respect. 'Well go on respecting them! Who wants to prevent you? Olenin did not reply.

"Sister Winifred would be disappointed in her." "Ah, yes; Sister Winifred has zem " he held out his hand, spread the fingers apart, and slowly, gently closed them. "Comme ça." "But what's the good of it if Brother Paul " "Ah, it is not just zere Paul comes in. But I tell you, my son, Paul does a work here no ozzer man has done so well." "He is a flint a fanatic." "Fanatique!"

Toi, quand tu le porteras, tu seras aussi belle qu'une reine. J'ai des amethystes de deux especes. Une qui est noire comme le vin. L'autre qui est rouge comme du vin qu'on a colore avec de l'eau. J'ai des topazes jaunes comme les yeux des tigres, et des topazes roses comme les yeux des pigeons, et des topazes vertes comme les yeux des chats.

On y dejeune tres bien et pas cher; tu comprends que c'est pour les gens de lettres qui travaillent a la bibliotheque. Je rentre ici a six heures, et le soir je me promene un peu au jardin, ou sur l'eau; apres quoi j'ecris a la petite femme cherie et je me couche. Aujourd'hui, comme hier, j'ai etudie et decrit dix tableaux et dix planches.

Night came on, the king left her to undress, and waited to be summoned to his bride's apartment; but the young Queen, "entêtée, comme une enfant qu'elle était," says Saint Simon, "for she was scarcely fourteen," appeared disposed to attribute to the King himself, the rude conduct of his subjects; and in spite of all reasoning on the subject, and the remonstrances of Madame des Ursins, replied that she would sleep alone and go back as quickly as possible to Turin.