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Then, on my going to him 'I feel that I shall not last long, he said; 'but I am willing to die when I think how comfortably I have arranged your future. He was talking of death, and anything but grief at that moment was doubtless impious and monstrous; but there came into my heart for the first time a throbbing sense of being over-governed.

He could think of only one thing that would ever heal the wound. Perhaps the chance for it would come some day. "Yes," she went on, "sitting there so comfortably and serenely and deciding that a man who was ready to die for his convictions must be shot for cowardice! My views are like Hugo Mallin's and my back is against the wall. But to the work, Lanny!

For one action that may safely be left to yearnings for immortality, or ambition, or love, or something equally lofty and grand, there are thousands which society must get done somehow, and which it gets done pleasantly and comfortably only because, by a charmingly convenient illusion, the vanity of each agent makes him attach a peculiar importance to them.

One day, when the youth was sitting comfortably before his hut, playing on the flute, while the ox grazed at some distance, up came an enormous bull, so fat that his hide seemed ready to burst. "Why did you come here, youngster, with your Tellerchen, to drink my water and feed on my grass?" he asked. "I didn't know that this was your property," answered the youth, "Tellerchen brought me here."

The mother said in all humility: "Whatsoever Thou doest, Master, that is surely right." He went to the table where the child was comfortably eating her food, laid His hand on her head, and said: "You have come to earth from heaven, now give up earth for heaven; what is earned is greater that what is given." So the wife of Rabbi Jairus heard as Jesus went out of the door.

We shall have to get frough them some day. 'It'll be very nice, said True comfortably. Bobby looked at her, and his mouth pursed itself up gravely. 'Everybodies don't get frough. Some are shut outside. 'Oh! Why? 'Because they haven't white dresses on.

His aunt was now unable to leave her bed, and a great part of Jude's short day was occupied in making arrangements for her comfort. The little bakery business had been sold to a neighbour, and with the proceeds of this and her savings she was comfortably supplied with necessaries and more, a widow of the same village living with her and ministering to her wants.

They timed their arrival with such nicety that as they dismounted before the door of Deeping Hall, Sir James Morgan, in the content inspired by an excellent dinner, was settling himself comfortably in an easy chair in his smoking-room. They mounted the steps of the Court without a tremor: they were not only assured of the justice of their cause, they were assured that it would prevail.

To think that at the very moment when I was puzzling over the melancholy enigma, of where to find a home whose shelter could be both generously given and comfortably received, this strange but earnest offer should suggest itself.

Kora set out and had not travelled far, before he fell in with an old man who was travelling in the same direction as himself and they agreed to continue their way together. After walking some miles, Kora said "I have a proposal to make: let us take it in turns to carry each other: then we shall neither of us get tired and shall do the journey comfortably."