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By noon the column reached Green River, over the Kentucky line, where Morgan, even on his way down to join Johnston, had begun the operations which were to make him famous. No picket duty that infantry could do as well, for Morgan's cavalry! He wanted it kept out on the front or the flanks of an army, and as close as possible upon the enemy.

Then Ernest counted his own manuscript with equal care no easy task when one took into consideration the interlined or erased passages and, to his infinite disgust, discovered that it only extended to seven hundred and fifty words. 'Why, Edie, he said, in a very disappointed tone, 'how little it prints into! I should certainly have thought I'd written at least a whole column.

As this port was undefended, Phormio was compelled to return thither. The Peloponnesian fleet advanced in line of four abreast with the Spartan admiral and the twenty Spartan triremes the best in the fleet in the lead. At the signal from the admiral the column swung "left into line" and bore down in line abreast upon the Athenians who were ranging along the shore in line ahead.

On the very day of this disaster to the White Guards the Americans on the road were travelling the last forty-six versts rapidly by sleigh. News of this reinforcing column reached the Reds and no doubt slowed up their advance.

When Miss Van Astorbilt permits David to link her name with his in the caption under a double column cut in our leading journals, you'll get nothing like the thrill that I expect to create with my modest announcement. I've got a real romance up my sleeve." "So've I, Jimmie. There is no Van Astorbilt in mine." "Some simple bar-maid then? A misalliance in our midst. Now about you, Peter?"

Heedless of the fire of the castle, they formed up in a long line of heavy masses, along the slope. One huge column moved forward against the main breach, two advanced obliquely towards the great gaps in the walls on either side. The latter columns were each headed by bodies of French troops. In vain the guns of the fort, aided by those of the battery on the hill, swept them.

He caught at that single word as a camel in a desert snaps at a straw. So they were not sure. Hastily he read the column through, then dropped limply into a chair. "Oh! What a shock!" he breathed. He was vastly relieved. The article stated that the car belonging to the millionaire's son had been found by a laborer employed on the estate as he came to his work very early in the morning.

Hundred thousand dollars, half-column. Million dollars, a full column. Five million dollars, half the front page, wood-cut of the embezzler, and two editorials, one leader and one paragraph. "And so with everything. We are creatures of habit. The expected always happens, and newspapers are dull because the events they chronicle are dull."

"Let us sit down, Charlotte," replied Calyste, gently taking her hand. "Is it true that your banner used formerly to float from that twisted column?" asked Charlotte, with a sense that the house was already hers; how comfortable she should be there! what a happy sort of life! "You will make some changes inside the house, won't you, Calyste?" she said.

On March 9 the main column started eastward down the James River, destroying locks, dams, and boats, having been preceded by Colonel Fitzhugh's brigade of Devin's division in a forced march to Goochland and Beaver Dam Creek, with orders to destroy everything below Columbia.