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He was so happy in his expectations that all seemed to take on some of his pleasant surroundings, and shared with him his delight in the expected meeting of his young wife. He would look out of the car door and hail a comrade in the next car with, "Watch me when we reach Columbia, will you," while the comrade would send back a lot of good-natured railery.

* Travels in the Great Western Prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon Territory, by Thomas J. Farnham. There is a copy in the library of Columbia University, New York. "The Grand unites with the Seedskeedee or Green River to form the Colorado of the West.

First portage opposite Red River S. 45 degrees E. On Caribou Ridge E. At Washkagama Lake S. 70 degrees E. Near Seal Lake N. 85 degrees E. At Wuchusk Nipi S. 75 degrees E. Thirty-two miles above Wuchusk Nipi S. 70 degrees E. By G. M. Richards, Columbia University 1 Pegmatite-Grand Lake. The specimen was taken from a pegmatite dike at its contact with an amphibolite.

Smith was then the reputed owner of fifty-two good brick houses of various dimensions in the city of Philadelphia, besides several in the city of Lancaster, and the town of Columbia. Mr. Smith's paper, or the paper of the firm, is good for any amount wherever they are known; and we have known gentlemen to present the paper of some of the best men in the city, which was cashed by him at sight.

She had been the leading spirit in work for suffrage in Columbia, the seat of the State University, where her husband was a professor, and in November, 1912, an organization was formed with Dr. R. H. Jesse, former president of the university, at its head. Though the State in general was still apathetic the women in the large places, especially in St. Louis and Kansas City, were alert and active.

Pittsburgh interested him, and he spent a week there: went to a theater and heard England hissed and Columbia exalted. Pittsburgh burned only wood for fuel, the wood being brought down on flatboats. At Youngstown, Ohio, were three hundred horses used on the many stagecoaches that centered there.

Resuming their journey in the spring of 1805, they followed the Missouri to its source in the mountains, after crossing which they came to the Clear Water River; and down this they went to the Columbia, which carried them to a spot where, late in November, 1805, they "saw the waves like small mountains rolling out in the sea." They were on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

The moral influence exercised by the Mission is most strikingly illustrated by an incident related by the Bishop of Columbia. In 1862, H.M.S. "Devastation" sailed up the coast seeking the three Indian murderers of the two white men: The Indians gave up two, but would not surrender the third. Two lives for two lives was their notion of equal justice.

Gray and Kendrick now exchanged ships, and sailed for China to dispose of their cargoes of furs and receive in exchange cargoes of tea for Boston. The whole city of Boston welcomed the Columbia home in the autumn of 1790. Fifty thousand miles she had ploughed through the seas in three years. In June 1791 Gray was out again on the Columbia.

To the south lay the Grand Cañon of the Colorado, while upon the north the boundary was formed by the cañons of the Snake and Columbia rivers. After a time it was found that this region, covering about two hundred and twenty-five thousand square miles, not only was extremely dry, but had no outlet to the ocean.