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Since he thinks of you as his best friends, he wishes me to tell you for him at once." "Relations with money, sir?" burst in Cohen, feeling a power of divination which it was a pity to nullify by waiting for the fact. "No; not exactly," said Deronda, smiling. "But a very precious relation wishes to be reunited to him a very good and lovely young sister, who will care for his comfort in every way."

Cohen alone in order to ask him for a delay in the settlement of my debt to him. You will understand that I should not care to do this in the presence of other gentlemen.

Last month I seen it he gets stung two thousand by Cohen & Schondorf, and to-day he's chief mourner by the Ready Pay Store, Barnet Fischman proprietor. Barney stuck him for fifteen hundred, Mawruss, so I guess he needs it tchampanyer wine to cheer him up." "Well, maybe he needs it diamonds to cheer him up, also, Abe," Morris added.

"Do you think they'll exchange it?" Miss Cohen inquired. "Oh, I guess it will be put back in stock all right," said Morris, turning away. The next morning, when Morris entered the store, Abe was busy figuring on the back of a torn envelope. "Hello, Mawruss!" he cried, looking up. "Ain't it beautiful weather?" Morris agreed that it was. "That Mr.

Cohen bent closer to his fellow-priest, as he whispered: "The book of Revelation, in the Gentile New Testament, declares that 'they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sack-cloth.

This effort to trace Cohen and the fugitives had failed, but the knowledge soon came in, in four or five different ways. One of the wireless messages had brought a clue. Some traders brought in a fuller clue, and rapidly other news came to hand.

<b>BEAURY-SAUREL, MME. AMÉLIE.</b> Prize of honor at Exposition of Black and White, 1891; third-class medal, Salon, 1883; bronze medal, Exposition, 1889. Born at Barcelona, of French parents. Pupil of Julian Academy. Among her principal portraits are those of Léon Say, Félix Voisin, Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, Mme. Sadi-Carnot, Coralie Cohen, Princess Ghika, etc.

But tell me, what shall I do? how shall I pass the long, dreary days of our separation? Do not be cruel. Let me return to the city with you. Benjamin Cohen will furnish a safe retreat for me and the child, as well as for yourself. I swear to you that I will keep myself concealed in the cellar, under the roof, anywhere you will, only let me go with you!" "It can not be.

He's always what I may call a little touched, you know" here Cohen pointed to his own forehead "not quite so rational in all things, like you and me; but he's mostly wonderful regular and industrious so far as a poor creature can be, and takes as much delight in the boy as anybody could.

"Mine's the best," said Jacob, at last, returning Deronda's knife as if he had been entertaining the idea of exchange and had rejected it. Father and mother laughed aloud with delight. "You won't find Jacob choosing the worst," said Mr. Cohen, winking, with much confidence in the customer's admiration. Deronda, looking at the grandmother, who had only an inward silent laugh, said