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For P.T., here, it will be jest bristle, shuffle, one, two brad through each eye, and 'Cock-a-doodle-doo! All over! But it will give you a chance to see some of his leg-work, and a touch or two of his fancy spurrin' and then you can take old Sculch-scratcher by the legs and hold him up and inform Bat Reeves that he can come and claim property. It's his own game and we're playin' it!

In other words, we are all of us so thoroughly perfect that we go straight on through life, laughing at temptations, triumphing over our weakness, and so manly and confident in our own strength of mind that we continue our life's journey, never slipping, never stumbling, but bounding along to its highest point, where we pitch our caps in the air, flap our arms for want of wings, stretch out our throats, open our beaks, and cry "Cock-a-doodle-doo!" which, being translated from the gallinaceous tongue into plain English, means "Look at me!

I shall not have done with you yet awhile, Vandean, and you'll have to attend very strictly to my orders if I'm to make a man of you. Did you take my medicine?" "Yes, sir." "Sure?" Mark coloured. "Yes, sir, I told you." "Cock-a-doodle-doo!" cried the doctor. "Dear me, how bumptious we are, young fellow. There, I believe you, but that's more than I'd do for some of your tribe.

Then at last a drowsy sensation full of restfulness began to come over the weary lad, and he was fast dropping off to sleep, when Cock-a-doodle-doo! A shrill and sonorous challenge came from one of the lodges, which made Dick start and throw one leg out of bed, sit up, and throw himself down again. "Ugh! you stupid!" he cried angrily. "I don't believe I've been asleep yet."

He was dreadfully frightened, ran away, and was going out of the back door; when the dog, who was lying there, jumped up and bit him in the leg. As he ran through the yard, past the dunghill, the donkey gave him a good kick with his hind-foot; and the cock being awakened, and made quite lively by the noise, called out from the hen-roost "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"

"Cock-a-doodle-doo!" cried Ralph Stackpole, springing towards his man, and clapping his hands, one on Nathan's left shoulder, the other on his right hip: "Are you ready?" "I am," replied Nathan. "Down, then, you go, war you a buffalo!"

And then she whispered proudly to me, 'Opal plays magnificently since she's been to Brackenfield! I wanted to sing out 'Cock-a-doodle-doo! only I remembered my manners. Then a friend came in, and she introduced us. I simply wasn't to be in it at all!" "Opal's more decent, though, since she's been at Brackenfield." "There was room for improvement.

Possibly the ancient physicians were in the habit of employing the "Cock-a-doodle-doo" treatment; and I might recommend it to the faculty to-day as very effective in certain cases. Now I do not think the reader will attribute any particularly occult significance to "Cock-a-doodle-doo." The power is in the mental attitude.

I am not consulted as I should be in these fluctuations of opinion, but there are occasions when it is necessary that the head of a family should exercise his discretion and his authority, and, so to speak, put down his claw. I put down my claw. We are going to Mr. Flaps' farmyard. Cock-a-doodle-doo Cock-a-doodle-doo!"

So the lazy girl had to go home covered with pitch, and the cock on the well called out as she saw her: 'Cock-a-doodle-doo! Your dirty daughter's come back to you. But, try what she would, she could not get the pitch off and it stuck to her as long as she lived.