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Just think of the kudos for us both if there should be something." "I shouldn't build too much on it." "I'm not, but there is always the possibility." Next morning the two friends got out the collapsible boat, locked up the launch, and paddling gently up the river until the galvanized gable of the Coburns' house came in sight through the trees, went ashore on the opposite bank.

It is quite absurd to suggest the Coburns are engaged in anything illegal, and if you grant that your whole case falls to the ground." Hilliard saw that for the moment at all events he could get no more. He therefore dropped the subject and they conversed on other topics until it was time to go ashore.

And if he went how could he watch the loading of the Girondin? He had suspected before that the Coburns' hospitality was due to something other than friendliness, and now he was sure of it. No longer had he any doubt that the object was to get him out of the way, to create that very obstacle to investigation which it had created. And here again Miss Coburn had undoubtedly lent herself to the plot.

He therefore sent for a taxi, and a few minutes later was seated in the office of the manageress. She repeated what Matthews had already told him, and he personally interviewed the various servants with whom the Coburns had come in contact.

He did not think that any article could be shipped in sufficient bulk to make the trade pay, unnoticed by a skilfully concealed observer. Even if the commodity were a liquid brandy, for example sent aboard through a flexible pipe, the thing would be seen. But two unexpected difficulties had arisen since last night. Firstly, they had made friends with the Coburns.

I quite deliberately deceived you up at the clearing, or rather I withheld from you knowledge that I ought to have shared. I had a reason for it, but I don't know if you'll agree that it was sufficient." "Tell me." "You remember the night before last when I rowed up to the wharf after we had left the Coburns? You thought my suspicions were absurd or worse. Well, they weren't. I made a discovery."

He was not long in coming to the conclusion that the sooner he and Merriman took leave of the Coburns the better. Besides this question of handicap, he was afraid with so astute a man as Coburn he would sooner or later give himself away. The thought led to another. Would it not be wise to keep Merriman in ignorance of what he had learned at least for the present?

"Of course," Hilliard went on, "we can see now we made a frightful mess of things by calling on the Coburns or letting Mr. Coburn know we were about, but at the time it seemed the wisest thing." "It was the only thing," Merriman asserted positively. "We didn't know then there was anything wrong, and besides, how could we have hidden the launch?" "Well, it's done anyway.

"I tell you I won't do anything of the kind," he said angrily. "Here we come, two strangers, poking our noses into what does not concern us, and we are met with kindness and hospitality and invited to join a family party. Good Lord, Hilliard, I can't believe that it is really you that suggests it! You surely don't mean that you believe that the Coburns are smuggling brandy?"

But that very evening an incident occurred which, though trifling, revived all their suspicions and threw them at once again into a sea of doubt. Believing that the Coburns would by that time have returned, they left the launch about five o'clock to call. Reaching the edge of the clearing almost directly behind the house, they passed round the latter and rang.