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When at length his vision cleared, the newcomer was kneeling in turn before the safe; but more light was needed, and this one, lacking Lanyard's patience and studious caution, turned back to the desk, and, taking the reading-lamp, transferred it to the floor behind the screen. But even before the flood of light followed the dull click of the switch, Lanyard had recognized the woman.

The man was sick undoubtedly. Possibly dying. He looked it. The door shut with a soft click. The two men were alone. "Hello, Jim." Alan approached the bed. "Bad as this? I am sorry." He spoke with the careless, easy friendliness he could assume when it suited him. The man grinned, faintly, ironically. The grin did not lessen the ugliness of his face, rather accentuated it.

"Do you see anybody comin'?" Mrs. Maxwell kept asking Lois at the window. Before Mrs. Maxwell spoke, a nervous vibration seemed to seize upon her whole body. She cleared her throat sharply. It was like a premonitory click of machinery before motion, and Lois waited, numb with fear, for what she might say. Suppose she should suddenly suspect, and should cry out, "Is this woman here Esther Maxwell?"

By this track Androvsky would surely return. From a long distance she would be able to see him, a moving darkness upon the white. She was near to the city now, and could hear voices coming to her from behind its rugged walls, voices of men singing, and calling one to another, the twang of plucked instruments, the click of negroes' castanets. The city was full of joy as the desert was full of joy.

Instantly the agile body is bent backward in a loop, while the teeth fasten to the knife-blade with an audible click. If our finger-tip is substituted for the steel, the force of the stroke and the prick and grip of the jaws are unpleasantly perceptible. In order to fully comprehend the make-up of this curious cave-dweller we must turn biologists for the moment.

The heavy strokes broke in upon the fitful doze into which Robin Greve, stretched out in an armchair in his living-room, had dropped. He roused up with a start. There was the click of a key in the lock of his front door. Bruce Wright burst into the room. The boy shut the door quickly and locked it. He was rather pale and seemed perturbed.

The man outside made with his tongue the click of acceleration with which one urges a horse, saying, "Look alive!" She could see no choice but to throw the door open and face him. The moment that passed before she could muster the resolution needed seemed a long one. That she was helped to it by an agonising thirst, almost, of curiosity to see his face once more, there can be no doubt.

The paddle rose and dipped with a faint swish, swish, and the steersman's twist of it was taken up by the man's strong wrist so it did not click against the gunwale; the bow of the craft divided the waters with a murmuring so faint as to seem but the echo of a silence. Neither spoke.

Slowly he raised his rifle; David heard the click of the hammer and Baree heard it. There was something in the sharp, metallic thrill of it that stirred his brute instinct. His lips fell over his fangs, he whined, and then, on his belly, he dragged himself slowly toward David! It was a miracle that Thoreau the Frenchman looked upon then.

He wore a dark blue jersey, and loose, flapping trousers of a seaman. "He's only a sailor," Sally said under her breath; "I'd better tip him." Her hand slipped into her pocket and I heard the click of her purse.