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Having been a working-man, and class-conscious, Hal was observant of the manners of mine-superintendents; he noted that Cartwright bowed politely to Edward, but did not include Edward's brother. "Mr. Cartwright," he said, "I have come to you as a deputation from the workers of this camp." The superintendent did not appear impressed by the announcement.

"Huh!" said Jimmie, and grinned. "What did you get?" "You belong to union in America?" countered the other. "You bet I do!" said Jimmie. "Vat sort of union?" "Machinists." "You been on strike, maybe?" "You bet I have!" "You got licked, maybe?" "You bet!" "You don't never scab, hey?" "Not much!" "You vat you call class-conscious?" "You bet! I'm a Socialist!"

All that is new when the minority attempting to establish its dictatorship is composed of poor, propertyless people, is the fact of their economic condition and status. That is the only difference between the dictatorship of Russia by the Romanov dynasty and the dictatorship of Russia by a small minority of determined, class-conscious working-people.

Hand folders on platform. Perhaps at some future time children may mature mentally earlier. If along with this, education is more efficient, and the civic duty of a common responsibility for the good of all is taught universally in our schools, even the child at fourteen may become class-conscious, and willing to fight and struggle for a common aim.

He said he was not going to "Chomer." I said, "Qu'est-ce que c'est que le chome?" He said, "Ils ne veulent pas travailler." I said, "Ni moi non plus," and he thought I was a class-conscious collectivist proletarian. The whole thing was curious, and the true moral of it one not easy for us, as a nation, to grasp, because our own faults are so deeply and dangerously in the other direction.

Lincoln Steffens reflects the views of many, however, when he denies that the financial magnates are as yet guided by this "enlightened selfishness," and says that they are only just becoming "class-conscious," and it is true that they have not yet worked out any elaborate policy of social reform or government ownership.

The numerous farmers' organizations, typified by the Patrons of Husbandry, are other examples of the growing tendency toward cohesion among the less powerful classes. Indeed, the Grange originated only a year earlier than the Knights of Labor, and like it was a secret order. The wage earners, then, were rapidly becoming class-conscious.

The programme of the Social-Revolutionists created wholly out of nebulous humanitarian formulas, substituting sentimental generalizations and moralistic superstructures for a class-conscious attitude, proved to be the thing best adapted for a spiritual vestment of this type of leaders.

"What a job it is to make the workers class-conscious!" He sat on the edge of his cot, with his broad shoulders bowed and his heavy brows knit in thought over the problem of how to increase the world's discontent. He told of one camp where he had worked so hard and dangerous was the toil that seven men had given up their lives in the course of one winter.

To Dickson's surprise Dougal seemed to be in good spirits. He began to sing to a hymn tune a strange ditty. "Class-conscious we are, and class-conscious wull be Till our fit's on the neck o' the Boorjoyzee." "What on earth are you singing?" Dickson inquired. Dougal grinned. "Wee Jaikie went to a Socialist Sunday School last winter because he heard they were for fechtin' battles.