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We then learned from maps that the Paracuta had debouched into the Pacific from the land called Clarie by Dumont d’Urville, and the land called Fabricia, which was discovered in 1838 by Bellenny. Thus terminated this adventurous and extraordinary expedition, which cost, alas, too many victims.

"The trouble with you fellows is that you don't know when you're well off but the sooner you find it out the better, unless you want another lesson like yesterday." He made the addition on the pad. "Fifteen thousand, eight hundred dollars," he announced softly. "That's seven thousand, nine hundred for the three of you to divide, less five hundred from The Mope." Clarie Deane's eyes narrowed.

It was well known ground to Jimmie Dale as a boy he had played here in the Archman's backyard, played here with Clarie Archman. His face masked again, he moved swiftly toward the rear of the house. There was still Clarie Archman. What would the boy do? Jimmie Dale's hand, a picklock in it again, clenched fiercely.

Australian Ike, The Mope, and Clarie Deane, given the chance, and they seemed to have made that chance now, were not likely to deal in half measures Clarie Deane had dropped into a chair beside the desk; and The Mope and Australian Ike were creeping around to the front door!

For a moment the boy held motionless beside the desk, his eyes fixed in a sort of horrible fascination upon the safe and then, slowly, he moved toward it, and dropped on his knees before it, and his fingers began to twirl the knob of the dial. His fingers shook, and he was a long time at his task and then the handle turned, and the safe was unlocked, but Clarie Archman did not open the door.

But the smile was gone as he leaned back in his seat after giving Benson his directions speed, and a corner a few blocks away from Chatham Square he was not so sure that it was all right. It was entirely a question of time. Given the time and the opportunity Niccolo Sonnino out of the road, for instance given twenty minutes ahead of Clarie Archman and Gentleman Laroque, it would be simple enough.

"That's all right," rejoined Clarie Deane; "but that's the second act, you bonehead, see! We ain't got the paper yet, have we? Say, take a look at that safe! It's easier ter scare him inter openin' it than ter crack it, ain't it?" Jimmie Dale, from his crouched position, began to rise to his feet slowly, making but the slightest movement at a time, cautious of the least sound.

No; that was hardly the word cowed, perhaps, for the moment, would be better. But afterward, with a document like that in existence, when they would never be safe for an instant well, beasts in the cages had been known to get the better of the man with the whip, and beasts were gentle things compared with Australian Ike, The Mope, and Clarie Deane!

"Got 'em again!" Laroque snapped back. "You make me tired!" "Let's get out of here! Let's get out of here quick!" Clarie Archman's voice, not so low now, held a tone of frantic appeal. "Nix!" said Laroque, in a vicious sneer. "Not till the job's done! D'ye think I'm going to spend half an hour cracking a safe and take a chance of missing any bets?

"You tell the boys," said Stangeist abruptly, "to fade away after this for a while. Things are getting too hot. And you tell The Mope I dock him five hundred for that extra crunch on Roessle's skull. That sort of thing isn't necessary. That's the kind of stunt that gets the public sore the man was dead enough as it was. See?" "Sure!" Clarie Deane's ejaculation was a grunt.