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The booths, where not private property, are articles of profitable speculation with the master builders of the city. They are of planed deal painted, and are neatly enough made. They are easily stowed away in ordinary times, and, when required, are readily erected, being simply clammed together with huge hooks and eyes.

But, chilled and clammed and starving, on the fifth day when he had crawled into his wet burrow for such small relief as it might offer from the ceaseless flailing without, he broached his bottle of cognac and drank a little, and found himself the better of it. On the evening of the third day his hopes had risen with a slight slackening of the turmoil.

Indeed it was said, that at the very instant the King expressed the wish, Nixon was, by supernatural means, made acquainted with it, and that he ran about the town of Over in great distress of mind, calling out, like a madman, that Henry had sent for him, and that he must go to court, and be clammed; that is, starved to death.

This lack of an explanation and the fact that the information was to be sent directly to a high-powered intelligence group within Air Force Headquarters stirred the imagination of every potential cloak-and-dagger man in the military intelligence system. Intelligence people in the field who had previously been free with opinions now clammed up tight. The era of confusion was progressing.

If I hadn't attempted my life I shouldn't be alive now. A poor fellow doesn't know what to do in such a place as this." "Well," said Mr. Lacy, "I promise you your food shall never be tampered with again." "Thank you, sir. Oh! I have nothing to complain of now, sir; they have never clammed me since I attempted my life." Mr. Eden. "Suicide is at a premium here."

It was very cold weather, and they gave me nothing but a roll of bread no bigger than my fist once a day for the best part of a week. So being starved with cold and clammed with hunger I knew I couldn't live many hours more, and then the pain in my vitals was so dreadful, sir, I was obliged to cut it short. Ay! ay! your reverence, I know it was very wicked but what was I to do?

"What made you attempt your life?" persisted Mr. Lacy. "Was it from religious despondency?" "That it was not. What did I know about religion before his reverence here came to the jail? No, sir, I was clammed to death." "Clammed?" "Yes, sir, clammed and no mistake." "North-country word for starved," explained Mr. Eden. "No, sir, I was starved as well.

On the opposite side lower down was a meal-mill, and nearly opposite, a little below, was the head of the mill-lade, whose weir, turning the water into it, clammed back the river, and made it deeper here than in any other part some seven feet at least, and that close to the shore. It was still as a lake, and looked, as deep as it was.

I've been at play, sir, several times in forty year, and have seen as great stick-outs as ever happened in this country. I've seen the people at play for weeks together, and so clammed that I never tasted nothing but a potatoe and a little salt for more than a fortnight. Talk of tommy, that was hard fare, but we were holding out for our rights, and that's sauce for any gander.

The ship was running low on water so the skipper sent him down to the satellite to see if he could find any. He found the water and the uranium too. But he clammed up about that, hoping to keep it a secret until he could go back and claim it. His only chance was to become a colonist, and when he washed out in the screening, he told Hardy, hoping to bribe his way.