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The relations with Rhode Island were to be a matter of later adjustment, and no immediate trouble followed; but Stuyvesant, the Dutch Governor, protested angrily against Connecticut's claim to Dutch territory and brought the matter to the attention of the commissioners of the United Colonies.

Writing of the necessity and utility of reviving Plain Handicrafts among the mass of the people, the painter of "Mammon" says: "... When the object is to vitalise and develop faculties the especial inheritance of the human race, but strangely dormant in our time among the largest section of the community the claim becomes one that cannot be ignored.

"Do you refuse to answer the military questions put to you by an officer?" "No prisoner of war is compelled to do that!" "You are mistaken; I compel you to answer on pain of death!" "I refuse." Both men were deadly pale. Parker also had risen and was now standing beside Boyd. "I claim the civilized treatment due to an officer," said Boyd quietly. "Refused unless you answer!" "I shall not answer.

"General," said Madame de Montesson, much surprised, "I have no right whatever to claim any thing from you." Bonaparte smiled. "You are mistaken," said he; "I have been under many obligations to you for a long time past. Do you not know that to you I am indebted for my first laurels?

Unfortunately, the respectable union, to whom the Legislature delegated an unconstitutional power they did not claim themselves, of excluding qualified persons from examination, and so robbing them of their license and their bread, had an overpowering interest to exclude qualified women from medicine.

I claim that, as a cook, Stevey's a bold and skilful one, and enterprising. But outside the galley he's a backward man and caution's his motto, and in argument he's, as you might say, a gradual man. His nature, as differing there from Flannagan's, might be seen in this way.

Understanding that it was best not to be importunate or over-eager about luggage, but to wait and watch quietly the delivery of other boxes till I saw my own, and then promptly claim and secure it, I stood apart; my eye fixed on that part of the vehicle in which I had seen my little portmanteau safely stowed, and upon which piles of additional bags and boxes were now heaped.

"I know all about that, Abe," Hymie replied, "but you ain't Mawruss, and if you got such a regard for me what you claim you have, Abe, go upstairs and ask Mawruss Perlmutter will he do it me the favor and let me have that thousand dollars with the stones as security." Without further parley Abe turned and left the show-room. "Mawruss," he called from the foot of the stairs, "come down here once.

If we had done anything, the least thing in the world, to revenge ourselves, or to hurt him, then Don't you see, momma?" "I think I see, Ellen." "Then I should have to keep thinking about it, and what we had made him suffer, and whether we hadn't given him some claim. I don't wish ever to think of him again.

The origin of this body goes back to George Liele, a Negro born in Virginia, who might justly lay claim to being America's first foreign missionary. Converted by a Georgia Baptist minister, he was licensed as a probationer and was known to preach soon afterwards at a white quarterly meeting.