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The civic dignitaries rode in mourning robes, but the wives and mothers, sweethearts and sisters, every woman who had a youth's life at stake, came together, took boat, and went down the river, a strange fleet of barges, all containing white caps, and black gowns and hoods, for all were clad in the most correct and humble citizen's costume.

Socialists have new evidences every day that similar measures will be used against them in the future, from the moment their power becomes formidable. The organ of the Civic Federation, Nov. 15, 1909. "The Road to Power," p. 50.

It swings, every now and then, for a solitary horseman, who gallops down the line in all the pride of mounted civic dignity, to the disgust of the crowd; or to let in a carriage, with some overdressed officer or splendid minister, who is entitled to a place in the royal pavilion. It is a people' fete, and the civic officers enjoy one day of conspicuous glory.

Equally objectionable to the Ann Arbor citizens, though more excusable perhaps, was the standing protest of the students at the condition of the wooden sidewalks in the town, whose improvement apparently formed no part of the programme for civic betterment on the part of the good but conservative burghers.

Once more the authorities debated the question whether the Jews were to be regarded as useful or harmful to the State, instead of putting the diametrically opposite question of simple justice: whether the State which is called upon to serve the Jews as part of the civic organism of Russia is useful to them to an extent which may be lawfully claimed by them.

These remarks on education are sufficient to show that in Morals also, as conceived by Aristotle, there is a law of vital development. Now since every activity, whether of knowing or doing, aims at some good, it is for us to settle what the good is which the civic activity aims at, what, in short, is the ultimate end of all 'goods' connected with conduct?

But on this occasion the fire was successfully extinguished before it had caught hold of other allied communities. Not through the superiority of the Roman arms, but through the treachery of a Fregellan Quintus Numitorius Pullus, the praetor Lucius Opimius quickly became master of the revolted city, which lost its civic privileges and its walls and was converted like Capua into a village.

When he writes or thinks of France he does not think of France only, but of the points in which France contrasts with England, North Germany, South Germany, Italy, etc. Now the men living in the Roman Empire regarded civic life in a totally different way. No differentiation of State against State was conceivable or was attempted.

I can't make out that there's anything of a civic or national nature that he's interested in. He doesn't seem to read anything in the papers except the racing and betting news. He doesn't seem to feel that he has any stake in this great country of yours, or any responsibility towards it. It makes me believe in manhood suffrage as I've never believed before.

Not only that, but there is a distinct tendency to make a privileged class of veterans, and the sons of veterans and perhaps we shall find of the sons of sons of veterans by giving them preference in civic employment and special education, support, or privileges at the State's expense.