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Bartsch, vol. i. pp. 64, 89; vol. ii. p. 43; Kuhn, p. 195; Knoop, loc. cit.; Jahn, pp. 52, 71; Thorpe, vol. ii. p. 174; "Zeits. f. Volksk." vol. ii. loc. cit. W. Map, Dist. ii. c. 14; Brand, vol. ii. p. 8, note; Lady Wilde, vol. i. pp. 71, 73; Schleicher, p. 93; Tertullian, "Adv.

On the other hand, it must be admitted that the stockade dweller is both provincial of habit and prejudiced of mind. He looks down upon the townsman as a huckster in private and a shuffler in public life, and this feeling of contemptuous enmity is fully returned by the cit, who regards the free proprietor in the light of a boor and a bully.

But the god holds in his left hand a purely Egyptian sceptre and in his right an emblem as purely Babylonian, the weapon of Marduk and Gilgamesh which was also wielded by early Sumerian kings. Müller, op. cit., p. 30 f., pl. 40.

Loc. cit., p. 351-352. It is obvious that motor expressions of shock or motor methods of adaptation or reaction are much older and far more prominent than psychic.

Ch. ii. See Cumont, op. cit., who says, p. 171: "Jamais, pas meme a l'epoque des invasions mussulmanes, l'Europe ne sembla plus pres de devenir asiatique qu'au moment ou Diocletien reconnaissait officiellement en Mithra, le protecteur de l'empire reconstitue." See also Cumont's Mysteres de Mithra, preface.

She was the same whom Butler had last accompanied to a hop. "Mr. Butler is in hospital," replied Mr. McGraw. "Yes, and pounded to such a pulp that his mother wouldn't know him," laughed a young "cit.," the girl's cousin. "Over there is Holmes, the plebe who did it." "What a disgusting brute Mr.

This reply caused another change of front at Napoleon's Court. The demands were disavowed and the Foreign Minister, Drouyn de Lhuys, resigned . Sybel, op. cit. vol. v. pp. 365-374. Débidour, op. cit. vol. ii. pp. 315-318. See too volume viii. of Ollivier's work, L'Empire libéral, published in 1904; and M. de la Gorce's work, Histoire du second Empire, vol. vi.

I caused Atrakhasis to behold a dream and thus he heard the decision of the gods." Cf. Poebel, Hist. Texts, p. 51 f. Op. cit., p. 51; cf. also Jastrow, Heb. and Bab. Trad., p. 346.

Neither of the visitors being a cadet officer, Dick and Greg were not obliged to stand at attention. However, neither new plebe was foolish enough to argue the matter. Dick and Greg took the pose ordered and at once. "Mister," demanded Pratt, turning upon Dick, "what is this cit. "Mr. Dodge is a candidate, sir, quartered in this building, and he took it into his head to visit us."

Sic. Help, ye citizens. Men. On both sides, more respect. Sic. There's HE that would Take from you all your power. Bru. Seize him, Aediles. Cit. Down with him. Down with him. Second Sen. Weapons! Weapons! Weapons! Tribunes, patricians: citizens: what ho: Sicinius, Brutus: Coriolanus: citizens: Cit. Peace! Peace! Peace! stay! hold! peace! Men. What is about to be?