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"Of course I knows full well ye done ther best ye could; I reckon I affronted ye with them words, an' I craves yore pardon." But Sim, who had never served for love, found the collar of his slavery, just then, galling almost beyond endurance, and his eyes were sombrely resentful. "I reckon, Bas, ye'd better hire ye another man," he made churlish response.

Auban," replied the dark-haired one whom I guessed to be none other than Yvonne de Canaples herself "but, since this gentleman so gallantly cedes his apartments to us, all our needs are satisfied. It would be churlish to refuse that which is so graciously proffered." Her tone was cold in the extreme, as also was the inclination of her head wherewith she favoured the Marquis.

For instance, there is one description of knocker that used to be common enough, but which is fast passing away—a large round one, with the jolly face of a convivial lion smiling blandly at you, as you twist the sides of your hair into a curl or pull up your shirt-collar while you are waiting for the door to be opened; we never saw that knocker on the door of a churlish manso far as our experience is concerned, it invariably bespoke hospitality and another bottle.

Beckoning to a pair of elder ones, who were walking up and down more quietly, he consigned the strangers to their care, sweetening the introduction by an invitation to supper, for which he would gain permission from their Warden. One of the young Wykehamists was shy and churlish, and sheered off from the brothers, but the other catechised them on their views of becoming scholars in the college.

Ranger insisted upon it, and since he was evidently hungry himself it seemed churlish not to keep him company. He told her a little about the country, while they ate, but he strenuously avoided all things personal, and she felt compelled to follow his lead.

This plot, at once elementary and violent, is combined with the fantastic story of Erisichthon, 'a churlish husband-man, who in the nymphs' despite cuts down the sacred tree of Ceres, into which the chaste Fidelia had been transformed. For this offence the goddess dooms him to the plague of hunger.

She threw him on to a bench, that his head rang loud against a foot-stool. The bold man sprang up undaunted, but evil befell him. Such defence from a woman I ween the world will never see more. Because he would not let her be, Brunhild rose up. "It is unseemly of thee," said the brave maiden. "Thou wilt tear my beautiful gown. Thou art churlish and must suffer for it. Thou shalt see!"

Roughly pushing aside the laurel branches that hid the entrance of the cave, he looked in, startling Diana and her maidens. In an instant a splash of water shut his eyes, and the goddess, reading his churlish thought, said: "Go now, if thou wilt, and boast of this intrusion." He turned to go, but a stupid bewilderment had fallen upon him. He looked back to speak, and could not.

Almamen moved not. A dark flush upon his countenance bespoke the feelings he with difficulty restrained. "I sell not my foes for gold, great king," said he, with a stern smile: "I sell my foes to buy the ransom of my friends." "Churlish!" said Ferdinand, offended: "but speak on, man, speak on!" "If I place Granada, ere two weeks are past, within thy power, what shall be my reward?"

Rashîd looked towards me, half incredulous, and, seeing that I ate the grapes with gusto, answered with a laugh: 'He does not understand our customs, that is all. By Allah! there is no man in this land so churlish or so covetous as to begrudge to thirsty wayfarers a bunch of grapes out of his vineyard or figs or apricots from trees beside the road.