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And I am inclined to believe that in the case, at all events, of ordinary people the love of one's own "paese" that church-steeple patriotism that it has become a fashion with a certain school of politicians to deride is very often a yet stronger passion and a more powerful incentive to great deeds than even the love of country in a larger sense.

As the silent troops reached the neighborhood of Allertssohn's house, the clock in the church-steeple slowly struck twelve, and directly after the alarm-bell began to sound from the tower of Pancratius. A window in the second story of the fencing-toaster's house was thrown open, and his wife's face appeared.

The tin tricolor flag still swings at the top of the church-steeple; the two chintz streamers still flutter in the wind from the linendraper's; the chemist's foetuses, like lumps of white amadou, rot more and more in their turbid alcohol, and above the big door of the inn the old golden lion, faded by rain, still shows passers-by its poodle mane.

As the silent troops reached the neighborhood of Allertssohn's house, the clock in the church-steeple slowly struck twelve, and directly after the alarm-bell began to sound from the tower of Pancratius. A window in the second story of the fencing-toaster's house was thrown open, and his wife's face appeared.

My mistress is no willow wand, and is about as easily moved as the church-steeple, or the stone-tower of the lighthouse." "Has she recently received letters that contained tidings which excited or distressed her?" "A letter came last week, but I know nothing of its contents.

When all of a sudden, as she came pelting down, a tornado struck her now, Maria, what in the thunder are you staring at me in that way for? It was a tornado a regular cyclone and it struck her and jammed her against the lightning-rod on the Baptist church-steeple; and there she stuck stuck on that spire about eight hundred feet up in the air, and looked as if she had come there to stay."

It is the express condition of the Saint,” answered Roger, fiercely; “pray, brother, pray, or thou art lost for ever.” So the foolish monk knelt down, and devoutly sung out an ave. “Amen!” said Sir Roger, devoutly. “Amen!” said Mercurius, as, suddenly, coming behind, he seized Ignatius by his long beard, and flew up with him to the top of the church-steeple.

Somnolence and drowsiness balm of aching hearts, angels of mercy! Mortals, how blessed! until you die, God sends you this rest. When I recall summer evenings with Sylvia, while gentle zephyrs fanned our brows, I would change Pope's famous line to 'Man never is, but always HAS BEEN blessed." A clock in a church-steeple now struck three, the sound ringing through the still night air.

Navarre, for forty years the head gamekeeper of the domain, was his master's right hand, his alter ego. He had never in his whole life been beyond his woods, had never seen the church-steeple of a great town.

Some years later, Johannes Lippershey, of whom not much is known except that he died in 1619, experimented with a somewhat similar combination of lenses, and made the startling observation that the weather-vane on a distant church-steeple seemed to be brought much nearer when viewed through the lens.