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They had not thought of this; but they covered it with leaves, and agreed that it was so well hidden, the Yankees would never dream of looking there. "Unc' Balla, where are your horses?" asked one of the boys. "That's for me to know, an' them to find out what kin," replied the old fellow with a chuckle of satisfaction.

He says Bibbs isn't anyways bad off YET; and he thinks he could stand the pace and get fat on it if well, this is what'd made YOU laugh if you'd been there, Miss Vertrees honest it would!" He paused to chuckle, and stole a glance at her. She was gazing straight before her at the wall; her lips were parted, and visibly she was breathing heavily and quickly.

Later a message, asking him to join a bridge game at the Metropolitan Club, caused him to chuckle. His would-be host was a friend of Mahr's. He answered curtly that he was sick of wasting his time at cards, and had decided to drop it for a while, hanging up the receiver so abruptly that the conversation ceased in the midst of a word. An hour later Mahr addressed him over the wire.

"I think you'll quite approve, Aunt Eliza," answered Nan with a becoming meekness. "I'm engaged to marry Roger Trenby." "Well, I hope ye'll be happier than maist o' the married folks I ken. Eh!" with a chuckle "but Roger's picked a stick for his own back!" Nan smiled. "Do you think I'll be so bad to live with, then?" "'Tisn't so much that you'll be bad with intent.

Verty rose quickly. "A letter for me, sir!" he said, blushing. "Yes; not from a great distance though," Roundjacket replied, with a sly chuckle; "see here; the post-mark is the 'Bower of Nature." Verty extended his hand abruptly, his lips open, his countenance glowing. "Oh, give it to me, sir!"

"Well," asserted the Hon. Calvin Dow, stroking his nose contemplatively, "Jodrey and I used to cut sharp corners on two wheels of the four of the old wagon, in past times when he was a politician. But now that he's a statesman he doesn't like to be bothered by details." "Do you see any joke to this, Calvin?" demanded Morrison, not relishing the veteran's chuckle.

But all he heard was the chuckle of a hidden spring and the insolent familiarity of a blue jay, which, perched in a branch immediately above, eyed the prospector's frying pan with a bright inquiring gaze.

"Oh, she's in love, just in love," said Miss Mehitable. "It's too funny to see her. She wants to wait on the child by inches; but clothes Ben! You should have seen Geraldine in my a my a wrapper last night!" Miss Mehitable gave vent to another stifled chuckle. "She was just lost in it, and we had to hunt for her and fish her out and put her into something of Charlotte's.

But," he added with a little chuckle, "if you was my own kid, I'd tell the world you come by that temper honestly. Darned if I wouldn't." Cash, sitting dejected on the side of his own bunk, lifted his head, and after that his hawklike brows, and stared from the face of Bud to the face of Lovin Child. For the first time he was struck with the resemblance between the two.

Rainey heard Lund's chuckle ripen to a quiet laugh. "I'm damned if they ain't some guts to the herrin' after all," he said. "Hangin' on to take some dough back to an old woman who ain't even his mother. Who'd have thought it? Look here, my lad. I was dragged up the same way, I was. An' I hung on. But you'll never git a cent out of that bunch. I don't know as they'll have enny to give you."