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"Porr-poises, fulish laddy ye hae seen the herrin whale at his wark, and the solant guse ye hae seen her at wark; and beneath the sea, Flucker, every coedflsh and doegfish, and fish that has teeth, is after them; and half Scotland wad be at Inch Keith Island if they kenned what ye hae tell't me dinna speak to me."

I requested all those who had "slit herrin'" for breakfast to raise their hands. Every hand was raised. I gravely inquired if slit herrin' formed an ordinary or accustomed repast in Wallencamp, and was unanimously assured in the affirmative.

These things seems as if the bones is all nowhere and yet they're everywhere all the time, and so sure as you feel safe and take a bite you find a sharp pynte, just like a trap laid o' purpose to ketch yer." "Well, there are a good many little bones, certainly," I said. "Good many! Thick as slugs after a shower. There's one again, sharp as a needle. Wish I'd a red herrin', that I do."

"Yes, I did," the storekeeper declared. "I was third aboard her she carried a full crew. She sailed out o' N'York for Australia and home by the way of the Chile ports and the Horn a hermaphrodite brig she was; and she could sail! "But she warn't well found. The grub was wuss'n a Blue-nose herrin' smack's. Weevilly bread and rusty beef.

'Stead of having anything to eat I had a lot to drink, having had some salt herrin' for breakfast, and I suppose I took too much." "Herring, my man?" "No, your worship, beer; and I went to sleep down among the bushes. There, that's the honest truth, Mr Brownsmith's brother. Fact as fact." "I believe you, Ike," said Mr Solomon. "He's a very honest workman, Sir Francis."

"It's hard to think," rejoined Malcolm, "what w'y the God 'at made them can luik efter them a' in sic a tumult. But they say even the sheep dog kens ilk sheep i' the flock 'at 's gien him in chairge." "Ay, but ye see," said Blue Peter, "they're mair like a shoal o' herrin' nor a flock o' sheep." "It's no the num'er o' them 'at plagues me," said Malcolm.

"Wad ye even carted herrin with my fish caller fra' the sea? and Dunbar oh, fine! ye ken there's nae herrin at Dunbar the morn; this is the Dunbar schule that slipped westward. "I'll no be oot o' mine lang." Enter Flucker hastily, crying: "Cirsty, the Irishman will gie ye twenty-two schellin." "I'll no tak it," said Christie.

"What is it all for?" she asked dreamily, her eyes gazing out on the calm ecstasy of colour, which seemed to have broken the bonds of law, and ushered in a new chaos, fit matrix of new heavens and new earth. "To catch herrin'," answered Malcolm, ignorant of the mood that prompted the question, and hence mistaking its purport.

'Twas the most fittin' position fur my frame of mind and chimed in fust-rate with the general religious drift of my thoughts. "The Cut-through is two mile or more from Herrin' Neck. 'Cordin' to my count we hit terra cotta just three times in them two miles. The fust hit knocked my hat off.

"Couldn't you have waded through it before it got too high?" "Waded? Not a wade; de water was rough an deep, an de bottom was stones dat I'd slipped oba an almost broke my ole head, sides bein drownded as dead as a herrin. Why, what you tink dis ole nigga's made ob? I'm not a steam injine, nor a mowin machine, nor a life boat. I'm ony a ole man, an shaky in de legs too, mind I tell you."