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"Oh dear, dear!" she exclaimed in mimic dismay; "I am sure I would not care about having so many as that! Fancy a thousand Christmases why, what an old, old woman I should be then!" "And a very nice old woman, too," said I. "Merci pour le compliment, Monsieur," she replied, making me an elaborate curtsey and laughing merrily.

He had no Christmases of his own to tell about; they would have been sorry, indeed, after the others; Christmases in a big Philadelphia house, rather staid and stupid days, as he remembered them now, days lacking in any delightful element of uncertainty, but filled with wonderful presents so numerous that the novelty had worn away from them ere bedtime.

Honora sat up in bed, shivering with cold and delight. "Is it awake ye are, darlint, and it but four o'clock the morn!" "What are you doing, Cathy?" "Musha, it's to Mass I'm going, to ask the Mother of God to give ye many happy Christmases the like of this, Miss Honora." And Catherine's arms were about her. "Oh, it's Christmas, Cathy, isn't it? How could I have forgotten it!"

Other Christmases she and the lady her mother had sat hand in hand, and listened to the roystering. "They are drunk," Clotilde would say. But her mother would stroke her hand and reply: "They but rejoice that our Lord is born." So the child Clotilde stood at her window and gazed to where the plain stretched as far as she could see and as far again. And there was her mother.

"Opening the bundles was so much fun, like a continual surprise-party, Betty said, or a hundred Christmases rolled into one. Between times when Eugenia wasn't exclaiming over how lovely everything was, she was telling us how the house was furnished, and what a splendid fellow Stuart is, and how wild she is for us to know him.

"It isn't that," said the little girl. "It's because I can never have any more Christmases, if it depends on a father. You know, I haven't a father." "I supposed you 'adn't, as 'e ain't 'ere, with yer ma," replied the young person. "She's mighty pretty." "I think she's the prettiest mother in the world," said Rosemary, proudly. "She don't look much like a mother."

There is a prayer some one prayed once one tired New Year's Eve, which appeals to me. "Forgive me my Christmases as I forgive them that have Christmased against me." I could pray the same model outline for a prayer. But for Christmasing, substitute propagandy-izing. The word somehow itself in its own unconscious beauty dramatizes the way I feel about it.

Probably his Christmases had never been passed in a way that was calculated to make them pleasingly conspicuous in the background of his life. Most of his early recollections were associated with a villainous roadside groggery in Pike county, Missouri, of which his father was the proprietor.

As with all of her people, Christmas was the great day of the year to her. Holmes could not but smile, looking at them. Poor Lois! Christmas would be here soon, then? And sitting by the covered fire, he went back to Christmases gone, the thought of all others that brought her nearest and warmest to him: since he was a boy they had been together on that day.

But a shaft of light from the open door disclosed her seated cross-legged on the floor in front of a beautiful screen showing Fujiyama, the sacred Japanese mountain. At the foot of the screen she had placed two statues, one of Saint Anthony of Padua and one of Saint Francis of Assisi, presents from Mr. and Mrs. Murphy on two successive Christmases.