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How largely all this retarded growth and knowledge and the extension of human well-being it is difficult to say, but the fact itself is well established. Saints and Shrines For one thing early Christianity continued the belief in demoniac possession.

The man of the best understanding, or of the most cultivated mind, would be the best proficient in vital religion. But this is contrary to fact. For men of deep learning know frequently less of spiritual Christianity, than those of the poor, who are scarcely able to read the scriptures.

An opposite mode of proceeding naturally belongs to Christianity, which without distinction professes an equal regard for all human beings, and which was characterized by her first Promulgator as the messenger of "glad tidings to the poor."

He raved against idolaters of the Kirk and of the Bible, and against all preachers who, by his way of it, had perverted the Word. As he went on, I began to fancy that Muckle John's true place was with the Mussulmans, for he left not a stick of Christianity behind him. Such blasphemy on the open hill-side had been shocking enough, but in that narrow room it was too horrid to be borne.

It may be amended or superseded, and our theology with it. Yet while it lasts it is our one possible vehicle of expression. It is the interpreter and the critique of what we have experienced. It is not open to a man to retreat within himself and say, I am a Christian, I feel thus, I think so, these thoughts are the content of Christianity.

I wrote them down the next day. "The subject in our conversation which suggested them was, The relation of Christianity to slavery. "About the year A.D. 64, two men, travellers from Rome, entered the city of Colosse, in Phrygia. Asia Minor, both of them the bearers of letters from the Apostle Paul, then a prisoner at Rome. "A Christian Church had been gathered at Colosse.

But, as regards Waidewuthis, I think it would have been sufficient to say that the poet, with astonishing power and originality, conceived this Daemon with so much grandeur, power, and might, so gigantic a figure, that he appears quite worthy of the contest, and that the triumph, the glory of Christianity must beam forth all the brighter in consequence.

It did not become him to boast, he said, but he had seen marvellous things in his day: under his unworthy ministry three beadles had been converted to Christianity, and this experience was so final that the conference immediately closed. Times there were, however, when the Presbytery rose to its height and was invested with an undeniable spiritual dignity.

Life for the knights of this order was looked at literally with a single purpose the advancement of Christianity and the downfall of that pestilent heresy which proclaimed that Mahomet was the prophet of God.

"And first we must remark that, even at the very beginning of this century, popular thought in England as elsewhere had retraced its steps so far as to acknowledge that if Christianity were true true, really and actually the Catholic Church was the only possible embodiment of it.