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20 The real Christian, and such only, are in this blessed case; they have the promise of the life that now is, as well as of that which is to come. Their Father, the Almighty, supplies all their wants; giving joy and peace, when heart and flesh tremble. Ed.

The Christian dogma, based on the one-birth theory, tells us that the child which dies soon after its birth is sure to be saved and will enjoy eternal life and everlasting happiness in heaven.

"It is called in the Arabic language," answered the Saracen, "by a name which signifies the Diamond of the Desert." "And well is it so named," replied the Christian.

So far from having received any favours from England, or the king of England I protest that his Britannic majesty is almost the only great potentate in the Christian world to whom at one time or other I have not sworn allegiance.

On December 30th, I therefore left London for Exmouth, where I intended to spend my vacation in the house of my Christian friends, who had kindly lodged me the summer before, that I might preach there during this fortnight, and still more fully weigh the matter respecting my proposal to time Society.

The men shook hands with downright heartiness. Here is a genuine man, King was thinking. "Yes. We are still at it," he said, with his humorous air of resignation. "I tell my wife that I'm beginning to understand how old Christian felt going through Vanity Fair. We ought to be pretty near the Heavenly Gates by this time. I reckoned she thought they opened into Newport.

Victory over evil possible this was the good news. No doubt every sincere Christian is supposed to be a more or less successful imitator of Jesus; and as such, Duerer may rightly be called an evangelist.

He had turned and poured those marvellous eyes into mine with irresistible magnetism. Of course I said, "Speak!" and I said it without the slightest hesitation. "I am not a Christian Brother. I do not belong to your order. I have no claim upon the hospitality of this roof. I am an impostor!" He ejected these astounding sentences with an energy almost fierce, gripping my knee meanwhile.

It had arranged itself out of the most trivial elements, as great events often do. There could be no question that every body felt it to be the best thing, and every body was thankful; and yet Christian watched her husband with a little uncertainty until she heard him heave a sigh of relief. "Yes, I am sure it was right to be done, and I am glad it is done. Are not you, Christian?" "Oh, so glad!

Thus the conviction that the end of human society was nigh, and that the church could no longer serve as an asylum for the lovers of righteousness, with certain philosophical ideas respecting the body, the world and God, united to produce the assumption that salvation was more readily attainable in the deserts; and Christian monasticism, in its hermit form, began its long and eventful history.