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It meant "choring for his board" until spring's activities widened the vista and the prospect was uninviting to one of energetic temperament. Even more characteristic was his utter lack of resentment of the young lady's rebuke; he had "presumed too far" and got what was coming to him. He was conscious that he had deserved it, in more ways than one.

One of the Lovels he was, who left our merry life to eat with Gorgios and fiddle gold out of their pockets. 'He called himself Amaru then, did he not? said Baltic, who had heard this much from Cargrim, to whom it had filtered from Miss Whichello through Tinkler. 'It is so, brother. Amaru he called himself, and Jentham and Creagth, and a dozen other names when cheating and choring the Gentiles.

Father had not done any heavy work for two years, but he still did much light work, and choring, although his health was gradually failing, milking eight or ten cows a day, and driving a young team from ten to twenty miles to his appointments, almost every Sunday, seldom stopping for bad weather. It was reported that he was thrown from a colt at the time he was hurt.

Jones, who sometimes came in to do choring, or even the nice little Misses Price, who kept a grocery shop at the other end of the village street; they would also have not objected to a visit from good, hearty Mrs.

Red, Woolly, Punk and a saturnine-faced Texan whose addiction to unique expletives of an unconventional nature had secured for him the sobriquet of "Holy Joe." The two latter were detailed to "riding fences" while Red and Woolly did desultory choring and hauled wood.

"Sergeant" came his guttural, booming bass, "suppose! suppose!" he reiterated suavely "on this occasion we er temper justice with mercy ha! ha!" His deep hollow laugh jarred on their nerves most unpleasantly. "I need a man at my place just now," he went on, "to buck wood and do a little odd choring around. Times are rather hard just now, as this poor fellow says.

The agricultural journals give us from time to time the most alluring "cash-accounts" of farm-revenue, which make me regard, for a month or two thereafter, every sober-sided farmer I meet as a Rasselas, "choring" and "teaming it" in a Happy Valley; but shortly I come upon some retired citizen, turned farmer, and active member of a Horticultural Society, slipping about the doors of some "Produce and Commission Store" for his winter's stock of vegetables, butter, and fruits, and the fact impresses me doubtfully and painfully.

Seeing no one choring about, he went into the house and inquired after Carlia. Mrs. Duke told him that Carlia had gone to the city that afternoon. She was expected back any minute, but one could never tell, lately, when she would get home. Since this Mr. Lamont had taken her to the city a number of times, she had been late in getting home. "Mr. Lamont?" he inquired. "Yes; haven't you met him?

'I am one who wishes to see Mother Jael, replied Baltic, in his deep voice. 'She has more to do than to see every cheating, choring Gentile. 'Give me money, my royal master, croaked a frightful cripple. 'My own little purse is empty. 'Oh, what a handsome Gorgio! whined a hag, interspersing her speech with curses. Charity!

"At the table I told him a story and got a little laugh out of him. He stayed with me three weeks, choring around the place and taking it easy. He read all the books I had, until you and Doc Allen came with the law books. Then he pitched into them. I think he has changed a good deal since Ann died. He talks a lot about God and the hereafter." In October young Mr.