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"The people are talked to by these fellows with empty titles on one hand and by the demagogues on the other, and they think the only choice lies between the two." "Surely, papa," said Mary, who was interested in the conversation, "the people will not be so easily deceived?" "Deceived!" interrupted Mr. Patterson.

A couple of years after that, when they was both about twenty-five or six years old, they run acrost each other accidental in New York one autumn. The doctor, he was there figgering on going to work at something or other, but they was so many things to do he was finding it hard to make a choice.

He proceeded, therefore, to act precisely as if no insurrection had occurred. Tranquillity being re-established in Madrid, the Council of Castile were convoked, and commanded to elect a new sovereign: their choice had of course been settled beforehand: it fell on Joseph Buonaparte, King of Naples; and ere it was announced, that personage was already on his way to Bayonne.

"You will have to make your choice," he commented, with a grimace indicative of a serious situation, "like any other woman. No doubt you will choose wrong." Desiree went up two steps in order to be nearer the lamp, and they all watched her as she opened the letter. "Is it from Charles?" asked Mathilde, speaking for the first time. "No," answered Desiree, rather breathlessly.

The choice of the king, and the fate of both provinces, now depended on the road that should be left open to Count Tilly. It was dangerous, during the approach of so formidable an enemy, to leave Bavaria undefended, in order to protect Austria; still more dangerous, by receiving Tilly into Bavaria, to draw thither the enemy also, and to render it the seat of a destructive war.

The foot-sore sharpshooter whom Paul had helped on the march cooked a choice and tender piece, and presented it to Paul on a chip, for they had no plates. It was cooked so nicely that Paul thought he had never tasted a more delicious morsel.

"The veritable man of the sea" was proving the correctness of the choice of the Sultan, the acumen of the Grand Vizier who had recommended his appointment.

All they desired was a king in the place of a judge. What enkindled the wrath of God and caused Samuel vexation, was the way in which the common people formulated the demand. "We want a king," they said, "that we may be like the other nations." There were several reasons for the choice of Saul as king.

Having taken this step of open defiance to the Ming government, Li invaded Shansi, which he reduced to subjection with little difficulty or bloodshed. An officer, named Likintai, was sent to organize some measures of defense, but, on arrival, he found the province in the hands of the rebel, and he had no choice save to beat a discreet and rapid retreat. The success of Li continued unchecked.

He heard Foyle's voice. "It's with you to do what you ought to do. Of course you can kill me. My pistol's in my pocket. But I don't think you will. You've murdered one man. You won't load your soul up with another. Besides, if you kill me, you will never get away from Kowatin alive. But it's with you take your choice. It's me or you." Halbeck's fingers crept out and found the pistol.