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These substances operate as natural antidotes, combining with the nitrate, and if its quantity is not too great, immediately converting it into chloride of silver, a substance very slightly soluble, and therefore incapable of combining with the tissues, although to the extent of its solubility it has a medicinal influence, though an entirely different class of organic actions.

These statements, and the fact that the peasants, when they forcibly entered the houses of the land-owners, every where found chloride of lime, which they took for the poisonous powder, confirmed their suspicions, and drove the people to madness. In this state of excitement, they committed the most appalling excesses.

'Chloride of Lime' is a useful application for ill-conditioned wounds and for the frequent cleansing of the kennel. 'Epsom Salts', or 'Sulphate of Magnesia', are mild yet effective in their action: with regard to cattle and sheep, they supersede every other aperient; for the dog, however, they must yield to the castor-oil mixture.

Grawitz recommends a mixture composed of ounces of chloride of sodium, drachms of saltpeter, and 1 pint of water, to which is to be added 3 per cent. of boric acid. Annales des Travaux Publics.

If sulphuric acid is present it must be separated by treating the solution of the compound with barium chloride and filtering. A nearly neutral solution is prepared in water or hydrochloric acid and placed in a flask. Here it is treated with chlorine by passing a current of that gas through it as long as it causes a precipitate and for some time afterward.

He came stealthily through that window which he had opened. A moment he hesitated, seeing Elaine asleep. Then he tiptoed over to the bed, let us say, and for a moment looked at her, sleeping. "A second later he had thrust his hand into his pocket and had taken out a small glass bulb with a long thin neck. That was ethyl chloride, a drug which produces a quick anesthesia.

The second half of the filtrate is used for determining the small quantity of sulphate of lime still contained in the hydrochlorate solution. By adding chloride of barium solution the sulphuric acid is bound to the barytes and sulphate of baryta separates as white precipitate. This is separated by filtering, washed, dried and weighed in the customary manner.

He learnt much more than he had bargained for; and in this manner: It was on the last night before the regiment entrained to the front. The barracks were stripped of everything movable, and the men were too excited to sleep. The bare walls gave out a heavy hospital smell of chloride of lime.

Bromide of Gold Is readily prepared by adding a little bromide to the brown gold of the assayers, and allowing it to remain some time under water, or assisting its action by a gentle heat. It forms a salt of a bright crimson color, but in its general properties is precisely similar to the chloride used in gilding. Bromide of Magnesia Is prepared in the same manner as bromide of lime.

By this process cast-or wrought-iron, steel, copper, brass, and lead can be tinned without a separate battery. The only disadvantage of the process is that the bath soon becomes clogged up with zinc chloride, and the tin salt must be frequently removed. In Hern's process a bath composed of is employed instead of the preceding.