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Dey do say de Chisolms an' folks lak' em used to run 'roun' wid de Yankees. Maybe dat's how come dey was diffe'nt. Even 'fore de Yankees come a-tall, when Mr. "'Mr. John Gully he'p Mr. Chisolm git to be judge, but he turnt out to be worse dan dem he had to judge. Mr. Gully an' de others made 'im resign. I reckon maybe dat's why he quit bein' a Democratic an' started ructions wid Mr. Gully.

The Bearer answers for the MackInnans, MackLeods of Rasa at least . . . . . 300 The Bearer answers for the Chisolms . . . 200 The Bearer answers for the Robertsons . . . 250 Camerons . . . 500 Stuart of Alpin . . . 250 McNeals of Barra . . . 150 MackPhersons . . . 350 McIntoshes . . . 350 Frazers . . . 400 MackGregors . . . 200 Athol men, at least . . . 500 Out of Brodulbin . . . . 300

"'Come de surrender, Mr. Chisolm, he got to be a big leader on de other side. So de Chisolms kep' gittin' all de big places. "'A lot o' widders an' folks lak dat what couldn' he'p deyse'fs los' dey homes an' ever'thing dey had. De papers de gran' jury make out 'bout it were stored in de sheriff's office. De sheriff give out dat his office done been broke open an' all dem papers stole. "'Den Mr.

He went to Jackson to see de Gov'nor 'bout it. Soon a heap o' white democratic men in Kemper got arrested for somethin' or nother. "'Den Mr. John Gully got shot an' ever'body were sho' de Chisolms done it. Ever'body were dat mad. Chisolm an' dem had to go to court. But dey were slippery as eels an' Walter Riley's name come out.

Chisolm deputy. Dat's when he started runnin' things, sho' 'nough. Nex' thing you know, Mr. Chisolm is de sho' 'nough sheriff, hisse'f. "'Den he gather all his kin' o' folks 'roun' 'im an' dey make out a black lis'. De folkses names dat were on it were de ones de Chisolms didn' need. It were talked 'roun' dat de firs' name on dat lis' were Mr. John Gully's name.

Dey give out things den de way dey wanted 'em to soun', an' dat's de way dey done come down: "'It started wid Mr. John Gully gittin' shot. Now Mr. Ever'body were sho' it were some' o' de Chisolm crowd, but some folks knowed it were dat Nigger, Walter Riley, dat shot Mr. Gully. "'De Chisolms warnt Yankees, but dey warnt white democratic people.

"I don't know why dey don't have no Kloo Kluxes now. De sperrit still have de same power. "Den I go to work for Mr. Ed McAllum in DeKalb when I aint workin' for de Gullies. Mr. Ed were my young marster, you know, an' now he were de jailor in DeKalb. "I knowed de Chisolms, too. Dat's how come I seen all I seen an' know what aint never been tol'. I couldn' tell you dat.