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"By George, that's so!" says T. Waldo, chirkin' up. "But er must I go down there? Suppose he should be a burglar, after all?" "We'd be three to one, not countin' Mrs. Flynn," says I. "Would you help, really?" he asks eager. "You see, I'm not very strong. And Tidman well, you can't count much on him. Besides, how does one know a burglar by sight?"

I tried chirkin' him up with a few frivolous side remarks; but they don't take, and I sighs relieved when we're landed at the apartment hotel where Miss Hampton lives. "Say," I suggests, "you ain't goin' to lead me in by the ear, are you?" "I'm not sure but that would be an appropriate entrance," says he. "However, it might appear a trifle theatrical."

The sun is shinin' and the jiggers out on the mesa is chirkin' and to-morrow's goin' to be a fine day. There's nothin' like bankin' on to-morrow, 'specially if you are doin' the best you kin today." And with this bit of philosophy, Sundown, motioning to Corliss, excused himself and his companion as they strode to the doorway and out to the open.

She's been a sunshine worker and a social uplifter all her life. And no sooner does she get sympathizin' with Rupert than she starts plannin' ways of chirkin' him up. "The poor dear Captain!" she gurgles gushy. "He seems so lonely and sad. Who knows what his past has been, how many dangers he has faced, what ordeals he has been through?